Chapter 50

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"Hira-sensei? You're still alive right?" Naruto's voice filled the room as he dragged both the last words of both his questions as he peaked into the hospital room... "NARUTO YOU DON'T JUST ASK THAT!" Sakura's scolding yelling filled the room afterwards followed by a loud slap and crash making me sigh knowing Sakura had hit him again.
"But Sakuraaaa, did you hear how she was screaming?" Naruto spoke again followed by another smack. "Hey you two... get your butts in here... this is still a hospital." I softly yelled at them, as I fought the earge to scold them as well, I'm just really tired. My eyes glanced to Kakashi who was busy keep the stars of the show busy. He leaned over their cribs cooing at them and wiggling his finger which they just looked at it with wide eyes.

He seemed so at peace at this moment, especially after all the stress I had caused him when I finally returned home but with the much more serious pregnancy symptoms. But he handled it so sweetly, he even rubbed my belly and talked to them each time he got the chance to do so and was even more happy the day he had felt one of the baby's first kicks... he looked like a fan girl, but I don't blame him... this whole thing is really huge for us.

The best was when I told him my water broke, he was running around trying to scramble together all the thing we needed, whilst I sat crossed leg on the couch finishing my ramen that I was busy with when my water broke.
What? I wanted to finish my heavenly meal before living through hours of hell. I did flinch every so often from the contractions, but Kakashi's distressed and defeated look he gave me when he spotted me still on the couch eating had me laughing.

"Hira-sensei? How are you feeling?" Sakura asked as she walked over to me and Naruto went to where Kakashi was to pull funny faces at the babies, which made them start to sniffle. Kakashi immediately went into protective mode and glared at the boy making him stop and scratch the back of his head. "I'm doing much better than before... I just feel really tired." I mumbled smiling over at the pinkette, I was too tired to worry about things.

"So should I come back later?" A new voice came into the room making everyone stop what they were doing to look at the new face that joined us. There he stood with a bunch of flowers in his hand, "I didn't know which ones you'd like so I got one of each." The youngest Uchiha spoke as he walked closer to me, we all stood, well I sat in shock staring at him, because the last time we saw him he had left the village again for once more a personal mission.

"I'll never be too tired to see my little brother." I said finally over the shock as the feeling of delight and contempt washed over my tired body. I barely got to talk to Sasuke before he left the village again, I guess he's always busy on his own path in this world. I offered the boy a smile as he placed the flowers in the empty vase beside my bedside. "How's my niece and nephew?" He asked glancing to the cribs where you could slightly see the faces of the beautiful babies I had just birthed. "Already mysterious." I muttered thinking about how they react to things.

They're mostly quiet, just staring at things as if they are learning it already.

"They kinda remind me of you when you were a baby." I said smiling down at the covers over my legs as the memory of Itachi showing off little Sasuke to me.

"What's their names?" Naruto finally asked breaking past his surprised expression.

"The boy's name is Karasu and the girl's name is Mio." I said as I slowly started to get out of bed to pick up Mio as Kakashi picked up Karasu.

Mio had Kakashi's grey hair color, but with my wavy style along with a mix of my purple coloured eyes and Kakashi's Onyx eyes. Karasu on the other hand had a tuff of my purple tinted black hair standing sky high like his father gravity defying straight hair, with one onyx and one purple eyes that seem to stare into your soul. They were utterly breathtaking and I'm already so proud of them.

"They really look like you guys... it's kinda creepy." Naruto said as he leaned forward with squinting eyes earning another hit from Sakura, "Baka..." she mutter and somehow this made Mio burst out crying, it didn't take long for Karasu to look at his crying sister and join. This was pretty surprising as they barely cried with other people, only when they're hungry or went to the bathroom, I glanced over at Naruto rubbing his head as he sat on the floor glaring at Sakura who was stressing about the babies' crying states.

"I guess Mio already doesn't like Naruto getting hurt... and Karasu doesn't like seeing hsi sister hurt..." I mumbled before looking at the still loud crying baby in my arms. "Do you already have your first crush?" I cooed at her and surprisingly she stopped crying almost instantly which made Kakashi jump. "Wait what?!" He yelled shocked as he ran over to Mio already wrapped around her little new born fingers. Oh jow I pray for your future love life Mio, I'm sure your dad's gonna make it so no boy comes close to you.

My eyes wandered to Karasu who also started to calm a bit, maybe your brother will be overprotective of you to, but atleast you'll be safe. I giggled a little as Naruto tried to sneak out of the room as Kakashi started to stalk over at him, but was even more funny when Karasu's chubby little hand stretched out making a grabbing motion to him with what feels like menacing gurgles.

Then Sasuke came into view also nearing Naruto with an aura of malicious intent. "Run Naruto! Quickly!" I warned between giggles. "WHAT DID I EVEN DO!???" Was the last thing you heard as he confusedly ran away with Kakahsi, Sasuke and the cute little Karasu in the arms of his father seemingly also ready to pound the poor blonde.

"What's gotten into them?" Neji asked as he walked into the room, "Mio has a crush on Naruto-" I was cut of by Neji's scowl as the veins beside his eyes grew as he spun around on his heel and swiftly follow the group.

"Oh, gods have mercy on the poor boy who one day breaks your heart, little Mio." I teasingly cooed as I walked over to my hospital bed.

*A/N- hello lovelies,
So this is ot, the last chapter of the book.

Hope this chapter was good enough to end this series.

Gosh, 3 books and 3 years later...
Thank you all for the support, reads, votes and comments.
You have all been a big part of this.

Love you all, and hope to see you guys in a possible other fanfic book.



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True Bonds ~Book 3 of Kakashi LS~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora