Chapter 42

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"There's no mistake..." Kakashi spoke as his hand gripped my shoulders, I'm not sure if it was for my comfort or his, "That's Obito Uchiha..." He said making my grip on his waist tighten.

"You can call me by that name if you want. It means nothing to me,"

"YOU BASTARD!" I yelled out as I fought back tears with my eyes closed.

How dare he... "WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS!? WHY DIDN'T YOU COME BACK TO US?! RIN... Rin..." My voice cracked at her name as some tears slipped through my lids before I opened them to look at him, he seemed to growl at her name whilst his face twisted into fury. "YOU DON'T GET TO SPEAK HER NAME!" he yelled back making me clench my jaw. I wanted to scream, to just go up to him and punch him in the face... the pan he had caused us... and now... he's casing more. Not just with war, but returning to us after years of us thinking he had died and it was our fault, he returns like this, the villain we have to ace to protect our home. The home that was once his.

"Who is he?" Naruto asked worried as he saw us in this fragile state, "He was our classmate and an Uchiha who was Leaf Shinobi." Guy explains also shocked by this, "We all thought he had died in the last Shinobi war." Guy spoke to Naruto before Kakashi asked the same question I did.

"If you really want an answer..." Obito said whilst looking away from us, I stared at his back still shocked, "It's because you let Rin... die." As he said that he looked at Kakashi and then me making my blood run cold. Images of Rin popped into my head, I know she forgave me... but the feeling of my blade running through her body and looking in her eyes as the blood trickled down her mouth would always haunt me. There would always be a piece of me feeling guilty for killing her even if it was she was the one to jump into my way as I was about to kill another shinobi.

The whole world seemed to fade away as my knees buckled and my hand released Kakashi's waist, Guy grabbed him before he could fall as I fell defeated onto my knees, my hands and arms limp beside me. My eyes fixated on the ground before me, not even blinking as I just stared numbly. 

The world seemed like a fuzzy memory as all noises were muffled as if my head was underwater, well I felt like I couldn't breathe so maybe I was underwater... drowning, but who cared... 

"HIRAA!" I heard someone yell before it started to fade, my eyes lost sight of the dark brown dirt ground before me, as a grey smooth surface replaced it. My eyes blinked slowly, as the world seemed to finally become a bit clearer.

"Oh poor Hira, does it still haunt you? Seeing Rin die by your blades... you know after that day as I grew stronger I grew to hate you more... But one day when I had visited the village undetected to see Rin's grave I saw you there... crying as you apologized. I wanted to kill you, right there and then, but for some reason, I didn't. I held back and followed you... I followed you every so often since then... and I felt it again. That love I had for you as a kid, did you know that? I liked you when we were younger... ever since you saved me from those jerks in the alley, but then you grew close to Kakashi..." Obito's voice came through my eyes as he then lowered to meet my eyes. "So I moved on to Rin...falling for her, but even she liked Kakashi, but I didn't stop loving her until you killed her! But as I said... after following you I had fallen in love with you again. So Hira, I ask of you... be with me... choose me..." I stared into his eyes... trying to figure out if what he said was true, or maybe to just take in this information, but as I did... my left hand slipped to my stomach in thought. 

He loved me this whole time... yet... he's hurting everyone I love and hold dear. My right hand slipped to my Katana as I opened my mouth to speak and once it touched the cold metal of the handle my brows furrowed in anger. "You claim to love me and loved Rin, but..." I started slowly pulling it out of the sheathe. "you wanna destroy what we love and hold dear!" I yelled pulling the blade out completely and swiping at him, he narrowly dodged it, getting a cut on his chest.

He jumped back creating distance between us and giving me time to stand on my wobbly legs. "I will never choose a man who carelessly thinks about himself!" I yelled watching as his face shifted into anger, but I continued. "We all lost Rin and loved her... we all held pain! But you caused even more... Minato-sensei and Kushina died because of you!" 

"Well this is for the greater good, it's all worth it!" he yelled back not moving from where he stood. "Oh, so it all was worth it, you say? So having everyone reanimated and fighting their loved ones are worth it to just spend the rest of their lives in an endless sleep!? WAS IT WORTH IT TO HAVE RIN BE REANIMATED TO FIGHT THE PEOPLE SHE CARED ABOUT AGAINST HER WILL!?" I yelled getting angrier as this progressed. I felt like steam was flowing out of my body even when I saw him falter at my last statement. "Rin was not among those who were reanimated, so stop lying!" He yelled, so sure of himself, which made me start to laugh hysterically like how Sasuke laughed when he fought Kakashi on that bridge, "You really believe that, don't you..." I said as I laughed at him, I felt like I was going insane, but I didn't care... 

"I fought her on my way to Kabuto... She was scared... I had to talk to her about how everything was going because she was so scared and sad at not having control over her body! Yet you claim everything that is going on now is for the greater good! So her suffering, our suffering is for the greater good? Can you look into my eyes and say that this will really benefit everyone?" I asked as looked at him with so much pain and betrayal whilst he stared back at me in shock before he pulled himself together.

"I don't have time for second-guessing myself nor for idle chatter, this is the greatest thing to happen to the world... it will save everyone from their suffering. So Hira, will you join me? Will you choose me over Kakashi this time?" He said smiling as he held out his hand for me to accept and join him by his side. 

"You really don't get it, do you Obito?" I started, as my left hand left my stomach, "I'm not just choosing Kakashi, but also my friends... the people who became my family... Whilst you were out plotting to destroy the world 'for the greater good' as you put it... I grew up, and Kakashi and I built a life together. So no, Obito, I'm not joining you. Because I don't just have myself to think about anymore... I have to build a better future... for my child and if that means you're not in it, so be it." I said strengthening my grip on both my katana's. 

*A/N-  Hello my marvelous readers,

Decided to repay you all for your patience with 2 Chapters today. I really am sorry for the long and I mean a long wait for me to return. I love you guys and appreciate all of you. Oh and if you were confused, that was a clone of Obito, the real one is fighting Kakashi and Guy outside the realm.

I hope you guys had an awesome day or will have an awesome day,

Kind Regards,


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