Chapter 48

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Kakashi's PoV:

"KAKASHI! The obnoxiously loud yelling of Guy rang through the village as I heard him coming towards me on his wheelchair that sort of squeaked every so often.

It has been a few days since the war, some are settling back into their lives while others are still recovering. I for one was on my way to visit one of the latter. "What is it, Guy?" I boredly asked the green jumpsuit wearing bushy-browed friend of mine. He seemed overly joyed as he finally caught up with me. As he was rolling beside me whilst I strolled to the hospital in need of visiting the person I hold dearest to my heart, my eye glanced down to where Guy was tirelessly struggling to roll the chair at the pace I was walking so I subtly slowed down a bit in a way he wouldn't even realize. Because I know he would take it as a challenge for a race in the end, something we both are not in the best condition to do.

I was still pretty weak even after recovering the moment we finished the war, but Guy had it worst. Sadly he got the news that he won't be able walk again, not to mention fight, but unsurprisingly Guy being Guy will still be thriving and fighting.

"Do you think she will be awake today?" Guy asked, breaking the silence that kept my thoughts company. Guy sounded almost scared and broken, but it was understandable. Hira had grown really close with everyone, but Guy and I had known her much longer and more personal. Ever since her return years ago, we had all grown closer becoming syrong friends and obviously  Guy had also fallen in love with her at some point. My eyes hovered over him before looking down at the flower in my hand, but when he realised we were together and happy, he stepped back... and the love grew into that of a brother.

"The doctor said there was a slight chance that she would ever wake up as the amount of mana she had used caused damage to her mind and some parts of her body." I spoke in the same way as Guy did before, I felt so lost without her keeping me company. It was worst than when she left with Sasuke, because back then I knew I would see her again... hear her laugh again, but now this sinking pain in my heart was growing worst each day that passes without seeing those beautiful purple orbs and giant face eating grin of hers as she tried to tease me or annoy me.

I miss her small nose crunches when she felt uncomfortable or weirded out or sometimes when she is confused. I missed feeling her hugs or the way she would try to snuggle even closer to me at night. I miss holding her hand as we walk down the street and her getting annoyed as I read Makeout paradise. Sometimes she was so annoyed she would mockingly say what is on the page without sparing the scribbles a glance and in return it made me blush from embarrassment.

"Hira has always managed to get through the toughest things... you know she will pull through." Guy said as he stopped slightly at the end with some hesitation either for not knowing what to say or for not believing his own words, both were unclear for me so I just hoped it was because of the previous reason.

As soon as we reached the hospital building that was packed with shinobi still recovering or visiting wounded loved ones, such as we were. Some turned to greet us with nods, mostly just nurses some asking Guy how he was doing or if I was feeling better lately. It was quick interactions to be friendly, a big contrast to the atmosphere in the hospital as people bandaged up would pass us every so often.

Room door stood closed, waiting for us to open it. Everytime when I arrived to this point, my heart would sink and my hopes would rise... wanting to see her awake to hear her talking loudly with her cheery voice like she always did. Guy was still beside me, well slightly behind me to give me space. He knew how hard this was for me, so space and support was all he could give me. He had accompanied me here almost everytime, but late nights when visiting hours were over I would sneak in alone through the window to sit beside her... to hold her hand and softly beg her to return to me. Other days Neji and Hinata would join my side in coming to see if she was alright, but Naruto was here almost everyday, like I was... some nights I found him sitting beside her as well. They had a bond that grew deep over the years, they both felt connected through their past, present and the people surrounding them.

With one deep breath in I opened it, my hope still running somewhere high, but not as high as it use to... but the sight... it made my heart sink to the pit of my stomach. There she was, still in the same bed she has been in for days, but this time... she was sat up looking in the opposite direction of the door.

The window she was looking out of let light in that seemed to illuminate her silhouette making her seem like a dream, no... an angel...

"'re awake..." I couldn't believe it as her purple orbs connected with my onyx one, I slowly walked closer with her eyes never leaving mine.

When I sat on the bed beside her my hand went to touch her, but she pulled away making me look at her confused and hurt. "Who... who are you?" She asked her eyes scanning my face.

For a moment I thought she was serious making my heart leap into my throat in disbelief, but then that twinkle in her eyes shown. Thay twinkle I knew too long, she had a devious plan so I went along.

We played it out like the perfect sad movie ending, you could hear Guy sniffling. "She doesn't remember him..." he whispered as he wiped a tear away. "Hira... you can't be serious!? Kakashi is your husband!" Guy yelled out and wheeled his way to be in front of us. Hira, playing the role perfectly started to cry and launched herself into my embrace. Her sobhing was loud in the room, before slowly turning into giggles. The sound I've missed for so long, it was so adorable and contagious that I started to chuckle along with her... feeling the stress and pain start to disapate.

"WHAT'S GOING ON?!" Guy yelled confused as he dramatically grabbed at his hair.

Hira sat up trying to stiffle her laughter with her hand elegantly in front of her mouth as she wayched Guy stare confused at the two

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Hira sat up trying to stiffle her laughter with her hand elegantly in front of her mouth as she wayched Guy stare confused at the two. "I'm sorry Guy, I just had to do something about this gloomy atmosphere." She giggle a little before glancing at me, making Guy look at me too. "DID YOU KNOW!?" He yelled making it hard not to smile. So I tried looking away. "Not at first," I started looking at Hira holding out the single dark red carnation I had brought with me.

"I'm just glad she's awak." I said as she took it smiling before taking a wiff of it. She stopped mid action for a moment before oeaning up to me and pecking my cheek. "I'm sorry my sweetheart, I just... I don't wanna deal with the sadness and worry." She mumbled a little feeling the guilt as she played with the flowers leaves, the sight melted my heart. So with a soft sigh I pulled her closer by the waist and kissed her temple lingering a moment.

"I know darling, I love you." I spoke softly into her ear barely audible, her sad demeanour changed into one of a happy puppy as she launched herself into me for a hug. "I love you more." She whispered back before going silent. "Is Obito..." she trailed off, most likely already knowing the answer as her grip tightened around my shoulders.

"Yes he is, but in the end he tried to help us." I spoke rubbing her back to comfort her, but at my words instead of tightening her grip more it weakened slightly as if she was content.

"Atleast he is with Rin and Minato-sensei now." She mumbled to herself just loud enough for me to hear under her breath.

*A/N- hey lovelies,
Thank you for reading my book. This is might just be the second last chapter, so I hope you guys found it a bit more better then the previous 2-3.
And thank you for your support, you guys are truly amazing!<3 I love you guys

And can you please go support IlyssaYe with her book:
Beauty and the beast [Might Gai x oc]

Thank you.

BookNin <3*

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