Chapter 5

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I leaned on the railing watching the clouds up above just gliding over us so peacefully. My eyes finally trail down to the three students making their way over, I smiled lightly to ease the worry that was etched on their faces. They came and took a seat in front of me on the steps, all spaced out in sort of a triangle.

"Why don't we start with introducing ourselves, like your likes, dislikes, hobbies and what or who you inspire to be." I said then pointed to the white haired female as she was the furthest right. She blushed as her eyes fell down looking at her feet as they tapped against each other. "Ugh, my name is... ugh... Risa Nigoshi and... and I like..." she glanced over at the boy then blush with her eyes widening as if he caught her... her head shot back to floor blushing profusely. "I like... flowers a..and chocolates. I... I don't dislike anything though, I find everything important in some way." She mumbled her blush fading somewhat to a light pink on her cheeks. Her hand nervously fumbled with her shirt as she kept staring at the floor in concentration. "Hobbies and your inspiration?" Hira asked seeing the girl loosing track of what she was saying and doing. She purched her lips and finally met my eyes as her eyebrow creased. "I guess, I my hobbies are... what I mean is... I usually help out at Ichiraku..." my eyes lit up and I grinned. "Really!" I practically squealed and she nodded blushing as she looked back down. "Y...yeah, their distant relatives...." I cleared my throat to snap out of my fan girl moment. "And your inspiration?" I asked, she thought about it for a moment which helped me realise that she didn't thought about this before. She didn't seem like she have any desire to be here, I watched her closely... I guess she I'll talk to her after this. "I guess I inspire to become like Lady Hokage." I nodded then my eyes shifted to the boy. He sighed deeply, seemingly not wanting to do this.

"I am Takumi Shizumi, my likes are training, reading and my little sister. I dislike being compared to others such as my father. My hobbies mostly consists of spending time with my mother and sister or training. I inspire to be like the famous Kakashi Hatake, the Copy Ninja." I stared at him blinking for a bit before mentally sweatdropping. If Kakahsi finds out about this... I sighed internally before looking at the last one. The honey haired girl was jumping in her seat excited to finally introduce herself, I nodded at her and she burst out loudly. "MY NAME IS KEIKO ARATA!" after her sentence she started to calm down a bit. "I like learning new things, mostly from the ninja world or other cultures. I dislike raw fish, most bugs and my hobbies are training, reading and annoying these two..." she grinned at her teammates whom groaned in response knowing she spoke the truth. "And like Takumi over here I inspire to be like Kakashi Hatake, except not really. I want to be like the Leaf's Kegendary Fukurō, Hira Uchiha Hyuga is an incredibly kunoichi, whom helped saved this village numerous times." The girl gleamed as she looked up at the sky with this sparkle in her eyes, I could help but blush a deep red as I became really flustered. I smiled a bit. "What about you Sensei?" asked Keiko after snapping out of her little trance, I blushed when he eyes looked at me. "Well, um... my name is Hira Uchiha Hyuga, but since I am still happily married. My name is now Hira Hatake..." I said glancing between the two Genin who inspired to ne like me and jy husband. Takumi's eyes were as wide as it could stretched and Keiko's mouth hung over the ground in surprise. "Really... your the famous kunoichi... and..." Risa stuttered also surprised. I smiled and nodded. "Yes and yes, I am married to the famous Copy Cat Ninja. Kakashi Hatake." I was quite flattered their reactions and how they inspired to be like us. "THAT IS SO COOL!" Keiko exclaimed finally snapping out of her shock. I chuckled a bit as I still had a slight blush on my face.

"Anyway..." I nervously scratched the back of my head. "My likes..."


After having introduce ourself, I had explained how this works. About only nine rookies can make it through and the rest will ne sent back after that I told them where to meet and when.

I wasn't sure what type of test to use as the bell thing Kakashi used, plus... he took the bells with him. But oh well, I'll figure something out. Kakashi and his team had left on an important mission somewhere in the day and shortly after Guy and his team went as back up. So I wasn't sure on where to go for dinner and who I can ask to keep me company. "Kurenai and Asuma, probably wants alone time so they are out too." I grumbled to my self as I was alone... I don't like being alone. Thoughts enter my mind in such ways that worms would be jealous. I build up this dark thought process until finally I snap and fall into this dark void that only Kakashi had succeeded in pulling me from. "Oh, Hira-chan." I haired a dainty voice speak from behind me so I spun around. "Oh, hi Hinata." I smiled as I walked over to her and gave her a hug, she returned it before we pulled apart. "What are you doing out so late?" I asked looking her over to find plastic grocery bags filing her hands and arms up. "Here let me help." I said taking some of it, "Oh, thank you. But it's really no need..." I shook my head and waved her off with my hand reassuring her that it was fine with a small smile. "Now, come on... where are we heading exactly?" I asked as I turned to start walking when I realised I wasn't sure where we are taking all of this. She giggled before walking up beside me, indicating me to start walking too.

As we walked the busy streets I smiled at the people before a thought dawned on me. "Have you seen Naruto yet?" I asked and glanced over at her, she blushed... "N..No, I only found out around and hour ago that he has returned..." she stuttered a bit blushing, I smiled softly at her. "I'm sure you'll see each other soon, so what's with all this?" I asked holding out the bags. "O..oh we were running low on food, so I decided to go buy some groceries." She blushed a bit nervous now, I chuckled. "Oh Hina..."

"So what are you doing out this late?" She finally calmed down a bit to ask, "Oh, I just had my first meeting with my new squad... their very... interesting." I chuckled at the end, before looking over at her again. "But actually now, I'm just wondering around in search for someone to eat with... I don't feel like going home with Kakashi out on that mission. My mind develops itself in dark thoughts." I mumbled the last part looking down at the dirt floor. But I stopped when something dawned one me and I smiled. "Oh, but don't worry about me." I said looking up and found we were at the compound. I handed the bags over to a female Hyuga helper who came over to us. I turned back to face her after she handed the bags to another female, "Are you sure, you can always come eat her." She worriedly offered, but I gave her a reassuring smile. "I'll be fine." I hugged her, "and goodnight. Send my love to Uncle and Hanabi." I said before heading off I heard her call out as she bid me farewell.

I headed over to a takeaway restaurant and got myself a bento box to go. As I could smell the inviting smell, I walked smiling to the cemetery in the mood to catch up with an old friend. I haven't been to visit her since the engagement... planning a wedding takes a lot of time, then there was the honey moon and moving around to find a better apartment to start a life in. But I'm glad to have this time to go and tell her everything.

I sat by her gravestone crossed leg as I opened my bento box. "I know, its been a while... sorry about that."

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