Chapter 15

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"Sasuke" I almost whispered as I walked beside him, far ahead of the others. After our fall in with Deidera, that went after Sasuke and almost killed us among other things such as Konoha sending out a squad for us. I did spot Kakashi in the village after Sasuke sent us out to look for Itachi there....

*FLASHBACK, Third Person's PoV*

"Karin... just shut up," the ravenette growled grasping her head in slight pain but mostly annoyance. Why was she teamed up with this nuisance? "Ugh... YOU'RE SO RUDE!" Karin yelled her hands balling into fists at her sides as she yelled at the woman beside her, but was ignored all at once as a familiar chakra was slightly coming off in waves as the source tried hiding their chakra from being sensed, but Hira had a keen sense to hidden chakra even more so than Karin beside her. Without a word the Uchiha Hyuga Hybrid stopped to take a turn down her right wanting to avoid the person who was the source of the hidden chakra. "WHERE ARE YOU GOING!? WE'RE SUPPOSE TO STICK TOGETHER!!! DON'T IGNORE ME!" She kept yelling and shouting threats at the girl before finally just giving up and continuing on with what she was asked. "Who needs her anyway..." she mutters as she walked down the street in a crowd of villagers and unknowingly a certain pinkette also inlove with the boy Karin fell for.

Hira on the other hand avoided the pinkette's chakra, almost like its a thread meant to pull her in, but instead she got hooked on another chakra swirling through the streets not even trying to be hidden. She knew it was a trap, but she couldn't help following it. Loving the feeling of it once again. She seemed to hold a small flicker of hope and a smile as she followed it down the streets too eager see that person once more, so much so that she completely neglected the whole situation she was in until the moment she heard his voice.

Just around the corner and out of rhis dark alley, she snapped put of her trance in time as she was in the light in clear view of him if only he turned around. She swirled around pressing her back against the wall as her chest heaved up and down. Her feet longed to move down that street, to run towards him. Her heart fluttered at the thought of him holding her in his arms again, like he always did. They never went without atleast a single, yet fragile touch of the other. It's only been days, but it felt like years had passed. She couldn't even remember how it was like before they confessed, all those years without him and far away from him. She wanted to visit back then, but she couldn't will her feet to go and now she can't will her feet to stop from running towards him. She shouldn't have left the forest, but even so...

"Have you seen anyone of suspicion recently?" His voice sound so soothing, such contrast from what she has been hearing the last few days. "Thank you anyway." She smiled at the sound of his voice not even needing to see him to feel calm. "Kakashi." She mumbled sadly still smiling slightly as it faltered bit by bit. "You better find me." She whispered taking a step towards where she came from and glanced at the small light that gave her glimpse of his back and some pieces of his silver hair. She was so ready to just spin around and run towards him when a huge explosion errupted from their rendezvous point.

"Sasuke." She panicked and hurried back towards the group in need of Karin's chakra sensing abilities and Suigetsu to summon him back.

*FLASHBACK & Third Person's PoV ends*

He scared me so much back there, but he seemed so unaffected and much more colder now. He'd ignore the others much more and even started ignoring me, I wanted to know what even happened back there, but he didn't answer. He even passed out and never spoke a word to anyone after waking up and during his recovery. I'm not going to ly, it broke me down bit by bit.

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