Chapter 27

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I watched the twinkling lights as I subconsciously rubbed my belly thinking of the future this war will create, "Don't worry little bean... we will fight hard to give you the best future we can." I smiled down at the slowly forming bump right now it just looks like I'm kind of bloated so it was pretty hard to convince everyone I was growing a human inside me. "Hira, you shouldn't be out here... you'll catch a cold or worse... what if it hurt the baby?" I glanced behind me finding a hysteric bowl cut friend of mine, I giggled at him before turning back to look at the sky. "I will be just fine Guy, how is your seasickness now that we are on calmer waves?" I asked hearing his steps near me before I spotted his figure beside me. "It's better, I think I must've thrown up all my insides by now," He said calmly, it was surprising to me to hear him like this, usually he was overly energetic and loud but ever since we told him about the little bean he had become a little more toned down and a lot more paranoid/ cautious. "Hey Guy?" I mumbled and he looked over at me letting me continue without an official answer. "Do you remember the day we told you that I was pregnant?" I asked and my mind flashed to the very day.


"Kakashi, I said I was fine... even Lady Tsunade said so." I giggled as my husband was slightly going hysteric about the check-up after I had nearly gone a whole day just sleeping. We walked out of the hospital finding Guy and Rock Lee about to enter followed by TenTen and Neji. "KAKASHI!" Guy announced running up to us and abruptly stopping in front of me making my hair whip back a bit, "Hi Guy," I greeted as Kakashi just nervously waved, Guy basically ignored me as he went on to challenge Kakashi whilst his piers walked over and greeted us. "Oh hey Hira-sensei." Tenten greeted as she gave me a wave and a small gentle smile as Lee gave me an exaggerated bow and Neji nodded his head at me before getting me with the manners of a Hyuga, "Hello Tenten, Lee, Neji. What brings you guys here at this time of the day?" I asked smiling a bit as I heard Kakashi behind me trying to slip away from Guy, he finally exceeds as he wraps an arm around my waist just as Lee explained, "We just got back from a mission and I had to get a check-up from Lady Tsunade." Tenten and Neji nodded, "Yes and since we just got back, Neji and I decided to tag along." Neji sighed, "Let me guess, Neji was dragged along?" I chuckled as my cousin sighed again confirming my suspicion. "Anyway, what bring you here, Hira-sensei and Kakashi-sensei?" Lee asked looking between us as Guy joined the group before us after moping about the denial of his challenge. "Yeah, I was wondering the same thing... You two haven't gone on a mission in a while so you aren't injured." Guy said adding more info then was needed, "Well... Uh..." I glanced up at Kakashi unsure if we should tell them this early in the pregnancy, he just looked at them. "Well we just wanted to have a check-up." He vaguely said and hopefully it will help our situation.  "Check up for what... are you two okay? Are you dying?" Guy freaked out making Lee join in his panicky ramble whilst TenTen and Neji stared at them before looking at us worried. "Kakashi... I think we should tell them..." I whispered to him making him sigh, "If it will keep them from being so overly dramatic... and thinking we are dying, then maybe we should." He said sweat dropping at the two now on the floor sobbing and holding one another. 

"Um... We are not dying..." I started but they didn't hear over the crying, so I cupped my mouth to say it louder, "Hey losers, get off the floor... we are not dying." I said making them stop and stare up at us sniffling. "Then what was the check-up for?" Lee sniffed looking up at us still a bit distraught. "Well..." I glanced up at Kakashi again to make sure he was okay with this before looking back at them smiling widely and rubbing my stomach. "We had a check-up... on our baby.... we're pregnant!" I chirped as I told them, not exactly how I wanted to... but it will have to do. Guy stared at us with his mouth almost touching the floor after he had finally gotten up only to fall forward and face plant into the floor. "Really!" TenTen squealed excitedly as she grabbed my hands in hers. "Yes, TenTen... I'm going to be a mother." I smiled as I felt Kakashi kiss my head. "And Kakashi is going to be a father." TenTen was quickly shoved out of the way as Lee stood gleaming at us, "And I'm gonna be an uncle!" lee cheered and gave me a hug. "Uh, Lee... That's not how it works." I mumbled as he pulled back. "Technically speaking, Neji will be one of the Uncles." I giggled as I saw his face light up and shoot to Neji who stared blinking every once in a while. 

"Neji... You okay?" I asked stepping closer t him to check on him, He blinked as I touched his shoulder seeming to finally come back to reality. "Yes... Of course, why wouldn't I be... I'm an Uncle now." He said testing out the sentence with such certainty before smiling at me. "You're an uncle," I confirmed more for myself than him. We just stood smiling softly at each other and enjoying this moment before we heard a cheer and a yelp behind me so I turned around to find Kakashi in a death grip of a hug by Guy as the adult male just grinned unaware of the purple-tinted looking Kakashi. 


Guy groaned at the memory, "I can't believe you fainted..." I giggle at the memory-making him groan even more. It fell silent for a moment as we just relished in the moment of the calm before the storm. "I'm really happy for you and Kakashi, he really is lucky to have you," Guy said softly making me smile, but I quickly shook my head. "I'm the lucky one... Not only was I able to have him as my husband... but now I am carrying our child. But not only just that, but I have you and all our friends back home. Even here on the boat, we have Naruto, Yamato and Aoba. Guy nodded, "you're right, even after the things we had to endure... we have only just begun." He wisely said making me sigh, "Yeah... if I survive this war... I'm just going to go through the pain of a pregnant woman and let me tell you... least excited to give birth." I shivered at the memory of Lady Tsunade explaining the birth process in detail... It gave me nightmares. Guy laughed before I hit his shoulder, "Not funny... I'm actually very scared about this and with the distinct thought of maybe losing Kakashi in this war too..." I mumbled the last part trailing off as I don't even wanna know what will happen. "You won't lose Kakashi, Hira... There's a reason why I see him as my rival, he is much stronger when he is fighting for someone and even more when it is someone he loves dearly." Guy grinned at me easing my worries a little, "Plus if he doesn't make it.. I will take his place as the child's father figure.. I will buy them clothes and take them to my favourite hair expert." He pointed out giving me a closed smile and his signature thumbs-up, but all I can think about is the image of another mini Guy giving me the heeby geebies. So I punched him in the face, bit too strong as he was sent over the railing, I cringed at the sound of the splash of water where he landed, "Oops... SORRY GUY!" I yelled overboard listening to see if he was okay and hear a small, "I'm okay," 

*A/N_ hey guy sorry for the short chapter, I couldn't really fit another reaction in as it takes a lot of brainpower and is quite long to add all the reaction together, but next up is Team Yamato... what do you guys think Sai would say? I'm gonna start writing it this moment to try and publish it right after this one*

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