Chapter 23

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My eyes narrowed at Sakura silently telling her to stay before turning back to the three men as I heard the sound of some swooshing behind me. But not like fight or flying weapons, but a kind of familiar swooshing, like a warp opened up or something. Maybe like Kakashi's Kamui warping something, so I was curious to what he did this time only surprised to find another two figures beside them along with a flytrap plant guy. A masked man, my fist clenched tightly by my side at the sight of him. My mind flashing to the first time we happen to run into each other. Sakura and I were back by Karin's side up above watching on after I had to drag her back up here. I jumped down beside Kakashi as anger blazed through me. "YOU!" I snarled out my eyes burning with the red Sharingan I possess as my emotions took over in my fit of rage, the masked man seemed to jump only now releasing I was here before he straightened his posture once more. "Hira, do you know him!" Kakashi questioned as he stepped in front of the girl to try and calm me. His hand placed lightly on both shoulders as he watched my eyes look over shoulders before finally meeting his. Somehow he seemed a bit surprised and taken aback by the anger burning brightly through my eyes like a fire in the night attracting creatures of the night. "He was the one... the one I told you about... he was there, that night of the Nine Tails attack. He was the one who took control of the Nine Tails! He caused the panic in the village to get to the Uchiha clan. He was the reason Kushina and Minato-sensei died!" Tears filled my eyes from anger and sorrow as they looked up into Kakashi's. He hated seeing her like this, in pain, be it emotional or physically and to have someone caused her this pain just a few steps away from them wanted to make him make rash decisions. Her eyes looked so broken, it destroyed him.

"What are you talking about?" Sasuke spoke, realising she said something about the Uchiha clan. Her eyes tore away from Kakashi to look at her younger brother. "He's the reason the village became suspicious of the Uchiha clan and became to push them away. It was why they turned their backs on one another and made Itachi-" I was cut off by Sasuke's glare hardening even more as he turned to his companion with he mask who cut me off  "Enough of this, I have no time for this." His voice sounded deeper than I though it would, "I would advise you hand over the Nine Tails Jinchūriki-" this time I cut him over, "OVER MY DEAD BODY!" I screamed over the silence stepping around Kakashi to fully glare at him as I  gently placed my hand on Naruto and pulled him behind me. No way was I letting him have his evil clutches on Naruto like he has with my younger brother.

He chuckled at my reponse, it seems like he didn't take me seriously in the slightest as if I won't hurt him, but to hell with him. I unseathed my Katanas without a word as my face stayed serious and cold. He glanced at my katanas, staring at them for a bit before looking into my face. "Very well, I take it that this means you won't give him to me." This time I growled, "As I said... Over. My. Dead. Body." I hissed out, he sighed glancing towards Sasuke. "Well then we shall just have to take him by force, but on a later date." He spoke deeply before looking at his fly trap friend. "Zetsu." He simply said as if they have talked this through before and the plant guy nodded. "As you wish." And started to disappear beneath the surface of the water and my eyes simply switched to Byakugan to follow his movements incase he came for Naruto, but instead it moved my way reaching out to grab my ankle but before he could reached me I laced my Katanas with chakra making Fire mixed with wind to enhace the flames. I didn't jump or move only plummet the two Katanas into the water hitting him and causing the water to become almost like a geiser and the wind pressure to push people back slightly, but I stood unmoving at the whipping wind.

It even pushed Zetsu back and out of the water, he tumbled back to the masked man and Sasuke. He took a bit to recover as he got up glaring at me. "I guess we're leaving without you." The orange masked man said seeming disapointed before taking a hold if Sasuke's shoulder about to leave when Naruto spoke, I didn't really get what he mean about the know what I'm thinking part, but I watched the grouo before us carefully as Naruto told Sasuke he would have to face him if he intended to take Konoha down. I scoffed, "You really want to destroy what Itachi fought for... what Itachi had sacrificed so much for?!" I quizzed my younger and now only brother, his face became a grin. "The people shall pay who caused him pain." He said a wicked manner sending small amounts of chills down my spine. What became of the small boy who would follow Itachi around with such wonder and innocence in his big Onyx eyes. Oh Itachi, how I wished you were here now. I wanted to tear up, but I had to drag the tears back behind the wall. I can't falter, even when all this happening. Even though that for some reason Sasuke, my youngest brother, chose to turn on my home. "I'm not going to tell you that this isn't what Itachi would've wanted, cause I feel that has no meaning at this moment... and I have no right to tell you that anyway, but that doesn't mean that I will not necessarily be silent. If you wanna make the people suffer that hurt him the most, very well... but then you will have to start with me. I caused him the most pain, I was never there as an older sister and that resulted in him having the burden. So if you wanna hurt or kill anyone in the name of Itachi... then bring it on, I won't fight back. But if you oh so dare to try and hurt the people he fought oh so hard to protect, I won't hesitate in battle. Even if you are my only brother, even if Itachi would hate me for it. Konoha is my home, it's Itachi's home and that gives me enough strength to do what I must." I sheathed my Katanas once more to touch my leave headband then the necklace of Itachi. It was like I felt his emotions, the unsettling discomfort and fear written into this image of him. Was this how he felt when he had to chose? When he had to chose between family and home? But I felt so sure, it felt like a light guiding me. Maybe it was him, maybe it was the light of my own vision becoming clear, but one thing was for sure... I will not let him hurt the legend Itachi died for.

"Sasuke, you're my little brother and I love you dearly, but... I will fight you if it means I can protect the people of my home... the people who are the light in this darkness." He was about to speak when the masked man nodded. "Very well then, Sasuke... we must go." And like that I watched the surprised Onyx eyes started to vanish before disappearing.

True Bonds ~Book 3 of Kakashi LS~Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin