Chapter 32

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We jumped apart panting and sweating as he had transformed moments ago, my eyes were the usual purple as my lips pulled into a grin. My fist lowered, "Not bad." I chuckled, I was out of chakra and exhausted, but I have to say that this was a really good battle. I even used Susanoo a few times during the spar to try and gain an upper hand, but really just seemed to be slightly less than on par with his strength. "Check it, you still breathing after that, ya fool ya fool." I chuckled relaxing my stance. "Well it wasn't easy, so thanks B for the challenge. But I should get going back to base for something to eat. I'm starving and craving, which never ends well." I smiled before walking off in the direction I thought was the base camp, but really was just walking to the shore where I spotted an orange jumper wearing blonde on one of the spikes. "Hey kiddo." I smiled waving as I walked up the spike.

"Huh? Hira-sensei? Ya know, you're starting to pick up Kakashi-sensei's habits." he pointed out making me stop and ponder on that. "Uh dammit." I sighed as my hand dropped back to my side. The kid was right, if it be that I miss him or just that I spent so much time with him over these last few years that I just picked up on his minor habits, I wouldn't know. 

"Yeah, I guess you're right. " I said taking a seat beside the kid looking out at the waves with the misty fog floating above the dark waters. "So what's bothering you?" I asked after a moment of silence from the kid, probably interrupting his thoughts, but maybe I can help put them at ease.  His face fell as he looked down to the nearest water below, "Hm?" I hummed surprised by the sudden mood change. "Hira-sensei?" he asked still not meeting my gaze. "Yeah Naruto?" I asked worried for the blonde, I rarely saw him like this. "Do you... do you ever doubt yourself, like deep down you hold some hatred for others?" He asked still not looking at me, but I sighed gazing back at the horizon ahead. "Of course I do Naruto, it's inhuman not to at least have that doubt that loathing at times. Why do you ask?" after I was done speaking I looked back at the boy. 

"It's just that, to be able to even start the process of taming the Nine tails I have this other me, a darker version of me. Filled with hate and I don't know how to handle him." the blonde finally looked at me and my heart cracked at the sadness hidden in his orbs. I sighed at the boy closing my eyes, I was never good with words, unlike Minato-sensei or Kakashi. Obito would've known what to say surely. My eyes opened to the same sorrowful eyes. 

"Naruto, I'm really sure what to say that will ease your mind or help you with your problem, but what I can offer are my opinion. It's not much, but maybe it will help strike up an idea in that big head of yours." I said poking his head. "What I experienced over my lifetime, the war I've seen and the shinobi I had to fought. It can bring a lot of doubt or self-loathing. I for one had to experience self-loathing for years, gosh... I practically have most of my comrades' blood on my hands so I can't really say how to deal with the hate, but that sometimes you just need to accept that this is a part of you. That sometimes you'll face this hate head-on like now and then you'll know your flaws... your pain and you'll overcome it. I for one had Kakashi, my friends, my family... you guys. Everyone's support helped me pull through that darkness, but I'll never forget that part of me. " I sighed before dryly chuckling. "It's no help, sorry. I'm just babbling." I smiled down to the floor but then I felt the arms of my student wrap around me. Naruto's blonde hair peaking into my prereferral vision letting me know who was hugging me. My faltering smile lifted back up as I returned the hug, I wasn't sure what it was for. Was it sympathy or gratitude, either way... I appreciated it. "Thanks, Hira-sensei." the boy whispered taking me by surprise again as my eyes shot open but soon softened.

 "No, thank you, Naruto. You changed so many lives for the better." I started as we pulled apart. I stood back up and smiled down at my blonde student. "Master Jiraiya and your parents would be so proud of who you became today Naruto." I smiled proudly at him before placing my hand on his head and ruffling his hair. "Everyone respects you at this point, but now... you'll have to work even harder to keep that respect and gain the trust of those who still hold doubt, okay?" I asked, but I didn't wait for an answer as all he had to do was smile brightly up at me as he use to do as a kid. Even now my mind would return to those days, days I wouldn't trade for anything in this world. "Now come on kid, you have a lot to do and I have food waiting for me... If I can even find my way back." I pouted at the end as the blonde chuckled. "Oh Hira-sensei, now you're starting to sound like Choji." My eyes shot open. "Don't say that... I'm just pregnant." I hit him over the head after he had finally gotten up. "And it's not nice to compare people!" I scolded before stomping off in the direction I believe was the base camp. My stomach just jumping in excitement at the thought of food and my mouth chanting the word over and over again.

By the time I got back, I could smell something delicious waving through the air making me almost float like that of a cartoon character. 

"Hmmmmm.... foooooooooood." I hummed letting my over-sensitive senses take over and carry me to the source of the smell, and hopefully for everyone's safety, to a plate of food.

*A/N- I know it's short, sorry T^T 

but I hope it was at least okay. 

Toodles ^-^ *

True Bonds ~Book 3 of Kakashi LS~Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum