Chapter 6

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"Hide and seek really?" Asked Keiko exasperated that this was the thing she was worrying about for the last couple of hours. Hira smirked, "Kind of, in this Hide and seek, I will be hiding. Whoever finds me shall engage in battle with me. If you get this..." I held my Leaf necklace  out if front of me before tying it to my waist. "You win and get to stay. There will be two rounds, so two of will get a chance to get it, the second round will be much harder though... This round I'll use Taijutsu and Genjutsu, second round there will be use of all three." I smirked at their horrified facial expressions. "But Sensei, there's three of us, how are we all suppose to pass with just two rounds and one necklace?" Risa pointed out, but before I could answer Takumi spoke. "It's so that one of us can still fail and be sent back, isn't it Sensei?" He asked eyes lifting from the ground to me. I gave him a nod, "Yes indeed. So come at me with all you got You have to be ready to kill me if need be. You have until that rings." I gave them a smile, hoping this works as well as the bell test, maybe in the second round I can seek and they can hide, hopefully then they will hide together so they have a chance at fighting alongside one another.

This test was designed with the same teaching methods as the bell test, teamwork. But the only difference is if they can sense my chakra and/or track me down.

"And start." I said disappearing in a huge puff of smoke blinding them for a while. I didn't go too far just a few miles out into the treeline. I didn't hide my chakra at first to see if they would realise, I'm not really sure of their abilities just somewhat of an idea. I do know for a fact that Keiko has a Kekkei Genkai, not sure what it does and Risa is a strong sensory type ninja. Takumi is highly intelligent and strong in Taijutsu.

"Shhh, she'll hear us..." Risa's voice whispered from somewhere in the branches above me. It seems that they realised that they need teamwork to get through, but they still haven't gotten to the part of just one necklace out of three people... there might still be a chance of having a fight among themselves.

After a moment of them just whispering,  very loudly... mostly Keiko, among themselves they jumped down with Takumi, Risa to his left and Keiko to his right and each holding a kunai or two in hand in case of attack. I quirked my brow at them, "Oh working together are we, and who will get the ticket to passing?" I asked trying to stir up something between them, but they didn't budge. Internally I smiled with delight, but externally I held my evil grin. I didn't activated any of my clans' Kekkei Genkai to go a bit lighter on them, they are just coming out of the academy whilst I have had years if experience and two Kekkei Genkai against them seems a bit unfair. "Scorch release: Super steam kill!" Keiko exclaimed as suddenly a few fire like balls headed straight for me... Her Kekkei is SCORCH RELEASE?! My eyes widened a bit and I quickly sweatdrop... should've added Ninjutsu to this round... I sighed.

Before the fire like spheres could touch me I jump up and out of the way just missing them by an inch as they heavily landed in the floor where I just jumped away from. I didn't have time to rest as a kunai came down to my left whilst I was in mid air whilst another presence came from above bring their foot down to hit me. I grabbed onto a tree branch that was to my left to pull me out of the group attack, I swung around it before finally landing on the next branch. Hmmm, seems I underestimated these Genin, not only are the strong but realised the true meaning of this test. They don't attack individually, but as a team to counter my moves and knowing I can't fight back with Ninjutsu. I don't want to use heavy  Genjutsu on them though, but with them all together I can't have them believe the other is injured so I need to split them up.

My eyes glanced over the Genin that now stood on the floor watching me up in thos tree. Risa is loyal so she won't leave the team to attack me solo, Takumi is calm and tactical so he's out too. My eyes landed on Keiko who seemed too eager to attacks. She's perfect for this. I used some kunai to throw at them, it had Risa on the floor as she jumped away, but landed on her butt. I threw another set of Kunai to pin her there by her clothes and my guess is that Takumi will help her with the kunai since she can't move and Keiko will charge after me the moment I leave. Which I did and a few yells came from the team behind me, but finally the sweet sound of a pair of footsteps followed me. I know why Keiko is so eager to attack me with all she's got, I realised that it's just like the reason why Sasuke did, to proof their worth. I don't know for who, but they seemed to crave that person's approval and respect.

"Scorch style..." as I drowned out her calling I activated my Sharingan and turned to her, immediately she was trapped and stood still as her eyes glazed over. Right now, she saw our battle, but shortly after I disappeared only for Takumi to wobble in with kunai stabbed into him bleeding out. She screamed and cried, here on the real world too until finally she sank down to her knees. This team held a strong bond, the three of them were best friends since diaper age, I had talked to a few of their parents before coming here and that was the reason I was late. I just want to be sure that their parents are okay with this, okay that they might experience some physical, emotional and mental problems in this world. Keiko over here, her parent told me they support her dreams in becoming a kunoichi and even had me blushing as they told me how much she idolised me.... they even showed me her room that held posters of me... I'm not sure when exactly those were taken.

Risa's parent were also very supportive of her choices but feared for their daughter's well being, but I reassured them for as long as I shall live they will be save. It's a hard promise to keep, but I will see it through.

Takumi's parent were shinobi as well, so they didn't mind their son being one, but just asked that I helped make him much stronger as he's intelligent yes, but lazy and does not train as much as he should. I didn't pick up on that the moment I saw him running to me and Keiko, out of breath. Keiko seemed to stop crying and a smirk formed on her face as she stood up, her Genjutsu is as strong as her charts said. Risa tried attacking me from behind, but I grabbed her leg and swung her around hitting her teammates. They all laid on the ground groaning and even more as the sound of the bell rung indicating the test was over and they lost.

"Hm... I'm impressed on your teamwork even though it's a bit rough around the edges, but enough to work with." I said stepping around them to walk back to the starting point. "Wait..." Risa started, "WHAT!" Keiko finished. "Does that mean we pass the test?" Takumi asked. I glanced over my shoulder at them. They were still in a heap on the floor with Risa laying over both Takumi and Keiko, but they all sat up and turned to face me with wide eyes. I gave them a smile, "Not really..." I started making their faces fall, "but you managed to impress me and show your potential so... you pass." I said smiling at them, they struggled to jump up as they were practically entangled limbs on the floor.

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