Chapter 13

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I still remember that day at the pool with team Minato... we were careless and just having fun. Something I long for, most times after reminiscing I come across some daydreams of what they would be doing now if only they had survived. I believe that Minato-sensei would live his life as Hokage and raise Naruto alongside Kushina and.... Jiriaya-sensei would there to "help out". I smiled at te thought, Rin would've probably gush over the ring I wear and the day I vowed to my husband to stand beside him not infront and definitely not behind him. She'd probably have settled down with...


I miss him... I wonder if he would've accomplished his dream of becoming Hokage by now. I smiled at the thought of Naruto and Obito meeting. I wish they could've met... I wish Naruto could've met them all, Sasuke too. My eyes wandered over to the ravenette, I wondered how much would've changed if they were alive right now. If everyone was alive right now, even the clan... if only.

I watched as the group interact as we entered the stronghold, Karin telling us where to go even though I don't trust her, but what choice did I have. Suigetsu and I were walking in the front talking as he blabber and I was deep in thought about what live could've been and what my family is doing back in Konoha. When I finally snapped out of it, I realized there was no familiar or any chakra behind us making me stop and turn to make sure. "Suigetsu... they're not following us." I spoke to the boy making him stop and turn... "KARIN!" He yelled and I sighed knowing now what he meant about Karin taking every chance she gets to be alone with Sasuke. "I'm going to stab that girl multiple times, I swear." I growled before walking back down the hall from where we came. I followed Sasuke's chakra trail he left for Suigetsu and I. All along the way I was cursing the girl into a oblivion and myself for falling for the stupid girl's tricks. My mind racing to multiple ways to torture and kill her, Suigetsu was very silent beside me probably sensing my murderous intentions.

When we finally made it back to my youngest brother it seems all the commotion barely started as the roof collapsed and dust flew eveywhere. I launched forward towards Karin and gave her a good punch in the stomach
"I told you if you tried something like this..." I stopped and removed my fist from her stomach, that of which she was clutching. She was shaking a bit, but I didn't care... this woman... I would've beaten her to a pulp if it wasn't for Sasuke out there fighting this murderous man. "Where's Sasuke?" I grumbled, trying to contain my anger. "He and Jugo went outside." And with that I leaped up to go look for them. Ironically I found them, it seems they were making a loop back to the hole the caused. Jugo, I'm guessing, went to strike at Sasuke but without even a delay I jumped in front of it and blocked it with my Katanas I brought with. I was never more grateful for them than in that moment, it turns out they had a special metal that isn't easily broken like the metal of Kakashi's tanto I got him all those years ago. I thanked Obito and Rin once more for this gift with a quick mummble to myself.

"It seems you used a different technique then before, I like it." Suigetsu said walking up to us just as I pushed Jugo off and away from me before turning to Sasuke... "Any wounds?" I asked him stepping closer to him, he shook his head but it didn't stop me from looking him over. They all started talking until a fight broke out and it ended up that Sasuke stopped them with white snakes making me stare in disbelief... Th...that's Orochimaru's... that's Orochimaru's snakes! I stared frightened at my youngest brother. Did he? No, he couldn't... please don't tell me had absorbed that snake! Without thinking I stepped back... No, it can't be... I blinked a few times before turning and started walking outside... I need fresh air not this grub and stink air polluted by a murderous aura.

As I walked my eyes seemed to full with tears, I failed as a sister... as a protector, haven't I, Itachi? First you, banned and shamed by the village then loosing Sasuke and having him taken by that snake... but now, now him actually becoming what we feared. That damn snake! My fingers curled into fists as I growled out in frustration... I'm such a failure! I finally made it back outside stepping over groaning bodies or unconscious ones. Why did I think things will be different, that I might be able to save him when he did this willingly and even though he listened to his friends he never wanted to come back... hell he even held his blade against Naruto's neck. And those eyes... cold and dull, no spark like they once had.

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