Chapter 37

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I felt sad, yet more at peace, but the most emotion that swirled inside me was anger... no.. this endless rage. Using our love ones for their gain is the lowest of the low and this is unforgivable.

Just when I forget, this world remind me why it exists. It exists to tear into our emotions and piece by piece chip at it.

It's a cruel world, a world that meeds change... something I can not bring, my time for changing this world's purpose has long gone as a new generation jas already grown into this world and now they are left to clean up and fix the chaos we left them.

"HIRA!" I flinched at the loud yelling in my head undoubtedly from Lady Tsunade. I clutched my head in pain, really didn't want a headache at the moment. "YOU LEFT HQ AND LEFT A DUMB SHADOW CLONE SO I WOULDN'T REALISE ANYTHING! YOU BETTER GET BACK HERE!" She yelled further, but I shook my head. "In all honesty Lady Tsunade, I'd rather not sit around and watch everyone die, when I could help out." I stated as I headed to the next company to offer support.

"Don't you think I feel the same way. But we need you here, for your safety and your child's." She stated more camly making me sigh and stop on a branch.

"Naruto and Killer Bee has escaped the barrier..." that was all I heard before it went silent, so I decided that maybe I should return to base.

The night sky started to make an appearance as I ended up at the Medic division, I looked around. I wasn't sure how I got here when I teied to go to HQ, but I had some medical experience so I might as well help were I can, plus... it's still save here, not to mention the more I think about it, if I return to base I might just lead the enemy to it.

"Hira-sensei? What are you doing here?" Sakura's voice came to my ears, making me turn to face the pinkette. She's not as bad as she use to be, not that annoying little brat that use to oogle over Sasuke constantly. I smiled at her, "I was out in the battlefield and was on my way back to HQ, when I unconsciously came here. So I might as well help well I'm here, at least just until night passes." I said pulling up my sleeves and tieing up my hair.

Later on in the night I was busy with helping treat the last shinobi that had come for medical assistance when I heard a loud crash near the tent that Sakura was at earlier. I ran over finding her and one of the white Zetsus on the floor.

"What happened?" I asked looking over the situation, it seemed she punched him into the floor, question was where did he come from. "He was disguised as Neji and went to attack me." She said and my eyes grew wide as I looked at her shocked. My eyes went back to the white Zetsu as my Byakugan activated.

My lavender purple eyes scanned him, "He seems to have Neji's chakra flowing inside him. Didn't his party report the Zetsu's capturing and stealing chakra from our conrades?" I questioned thinking to myself.

"We need to report this as soon as possible, there are possibly more Zetsu's out there disguised as fellow comrades." I looked to the side where another two shinobi had also entered to curious as to what happened in here. They nodded and went out to fill everyone in as well to communicate with HQ on the findings here.

"We should run experiments on this one, see if we can pin point a way of recognising them out of everyone." Sakura nodded, "Set up so long, I'll call for more assistance and start spacing everyone out." She nodded still on edge in case another attack happens.

I walked out calling people to assit Sakura in the experiments before spreading everyone out and assigning people to watch each other.

As dawn broke from the horizon, everyone was exhausted from watching each other and not having any sleep. Salura had informed everyone of her findings.

"Itachi Uchiha and Nagato Uzumaki have been spotted." My head snapped up, Itachi? "Where?" I asked, and as they told me where I stood up. "I'm leaving, I... I have something to do." I said as my eyes looked around the people all sitting around a good distance away from each other. "Stay like thid until further instructions." I stated before jumping off into the direction they had given me.

By the time I got to the location I found Naruto and Killer Bee ready to leave.
"Naruto!" I yelled and as I landed I pulled him into a hug. I missed this trouble maker, he always made me smile. I looked him over finding no fatale injuries, before looking at Killer Bee. "You both seem decently fine. What happened here?" I asked looking around at the damaged and crumbling floor and woodland area.

"We... fought Itachi and Nagato, Itachi broke the Animation Jutsu's control with this brid that cane out of my mouth. And he sealed Nagato away." Naruto explained as Killer Bee kept nodding his head with a blush as he stared at my chest. I covered my chest area with crossed arms as I looked back to Naruto. "A bird that came out of your mouth?" I quizzed confused, quirking an eyebrow. He nodded, "He talked about Shisui's eyes." And that was when it clicked, he used Genjutsu to override the co trol of the Animation Jutsu.

I looked at Naruto, "Which way did he go?" I asked him in a rush, if he broke free there's a chance he would ho after Kabuto to help out our forces and destroy the source of the Reanimation Justsu.

As Naruto pointed in the direction of where my deceased brother had gone I left without hesitation.

*A/N- hey guys, it's been a while, sorry it took so long. I've dealt with my laziness and most of my stress and will try to update more often now.

They won't be that good since I need to get in the mindset again but yeah.

Here you go*

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