Chapter 46

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Third Person PoV:

Everyone felt tense. Of course, they would, they were facing a large-scale war with two Uchiha and the Ten-Tailed Beast.

But they felt tense at seeing one comrade after the other falter and get demolished by the savage amount of attacks being flung at them. Naruto, possibly the only person strong enough to take them on, was struggling to keep his body upright. 

As the fight had progressed between the vengeful Uchiha set on his new ways and the Hatake worried about his comrades as well as the love of his life he had seen gone limp in the usually bright student he and Hira had reached. He feared for her life along with the life inside her stomach that had yet to see the world. As rage and fear fueled his body to keep pushing forward to end this battle as soon as possible so he won't be stuck with the ghost of his wife.

"You had always taken everything from me!" Obito yelled as their attacks had made the both pull back as the shock wave hit them both. "I didn't take anything from you, what could I have possibly taken from you?" Kakashi asked in confusion and anger, he felt frustrated that this was even happening and now he was blaming him for things he had never done.

"You have always been a thorn in my side, since the day we started at the academy you had always outdone me. Always acted cool, but the worst came when you were assigned to my team." Obito spoke also frustrated, but that the man was so oblivious to what he had caused him to feel. "I was always neglected as long as you were there, the only one who seemed to notice I was still there you just had to take too. I tried so hard... She was my best friend... the one person I had loved and accepted that would never love me in that way, but no matter how much I tried to fill the void in my heart with Rin." Obito felt the rage and sadness build inside his chest, the few things he could still feel nowadays were for her... the girl he had lost. His head felt like a mess as he angrily launched himself at Kakashi, his childhood rival.

Kakashi reacted by launching forward too but was mostly shocked at his words. He never thought Obito had fallen for the girl he had grown close to as they grew up together. The only girl he had an interest in, was the one who helped him to find a different perspective on life. Obito had always seemed smitten with Rin, always seeking her attention even though the girl's eyes were always on Kakashi as well. But now that he thinks of it, he mostly tried to pull Rin's attention when he and Hira had small moments of showing their interest in one another. 

"You liked Hira?" Kakashi seemed to find himself asking as he tried to push the Uchiha away seemingly playing a game of tug of war but in the opposite way and with kunais between them. Obito scoffed, "No, I had loved her since the day she entered our academy even before that when she saved me from thugs in an alleyway. She had always had my back, she always cared about others more than she did herself. Yet she chose you... like every girl had and still does." Obito growled out as he kicked Kakashi away after he used the hand that was holding his trying to push him away to form the familiar hand signs and as he had a good distance between him and Kakashi, the Uchiha shot a fireball that Kakashi blocked with a mud wall. 

As Obito seemed to appear behind Kakashi out of thin air and Kakashi reacted to it the grey gravity-defining haired shinobi growled at him. "Hira was never like the other girls, and I never stole her from you. I can't steal something that was never yours and not to mention..." Kakashi started as he threw his own attack at the Uchiha out of anger. "Hira is not some object... She's a beautiful human being with her own free will to make choice, something she had only gotten when she left that compound... She chose me, because I never left her side, even when we had a horrible fight years ago she forgave me... She's incredible.... and even if she isn't an object that doesn't mean I won't stop fighting for her!" Kakashi yelled as Obito scoffed at him blocking his follow-up attack. 

"What is she to you?"  for some odd reason that was the only thing that popped up in his head... maybe somewhere in his heart he knew he would never have her heart as Kakashi had, but even so it doesn't mean he would give up on her again... He didn't ask that question because he would be bowing down and accepting defeat, he just wanted to know how his rival(now enemy) sees the love of his life. 

"She's my everything... my always and forever."

*A/N- I know, I know.... pretty short chapter sorry...

It just didn't make sense to continue after this statement...

I love you all,


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