Chapter 31

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"Finally..." I muttered as we reached eyesight of the land it wasn't ideal for people to live on so it made sense as to why this is where we would be stashing Naruto and it has an edgy feel to it to not rise suspicious on both the Akatsuki's and Naruto's side. I'm just excited to see what explanation they're going to give Naruto as to what mission we were supposedly on. I glanced at the boys, we have gone through so much on just this very journey and it might just be useless the moment Naruto hears of the war going on, but right now... he is so focused on meeting this Octopus that he hasn't question anything really. It wasn't long after the Land of Lightning sent a ship to pick us up that we had reached the eerie island, Naruto didn't seem all that please, but what do you expect from a designated island. The group talked about the eerie island we will be staying on for this time, when behind the Clouds ninja raised a squid tentacle rose from behind, water still dripping down from it.

"Oh right! Octopus tentacles! Okay, Octopus, I made it, now come on and guide me!" Naruto yelled with a goofy look on his face at it as it started to come down on the ship. "Not an Octopus, Naruto." I started staring at the boy unamused, The Squid roughed up the boat making the waves shake us side to side, "That's a SQUID!" Yamato yelled as everyone watched carefully, water splashed into our faces. "THat's him! The one I was just about to warn you about... the one you shouldn't provoke!" The lightning shinobi said falling back onto the deck. Naruto was counting the tentacles as the Captain spoke, "You don't need to count the tentacles, naruto, you can tell just by looking at it!" Yamato said, as the boat shook once more, "I don't know, I think we should make sure. A squid has 10 legs and an octopus has 8. If he's the octopus that is going to guide me, I gotta know." Naruto said holding his fingers up as he spoke until a tentacle wrapped around him pulling him off the boat. I was about to jump in and save the kid when a very powerful chakra signature appeared along with a rapping octopus thing. I could only stare blankly as this odd creature punched the squid in the face whilst spitting out an awful rhyme. "Am I seeing things?" I asked no one in particular

"It's an Octopus. This one is an Octopus." Naruto said after landing back on the boat after the squid had let him go. "it's Lord killer B." the captain that was still on his butt said smiling up. And with just that small explanation it seemed to have brought all the pieces into perspective. He's the Eight-Tails Jinchiriki, but I wasn't aware that the Jiinchiriki can actually shit into their tailed beasts. I glanced to Naruto, will he be able to do that after this guy's guidance?

"Yall are late, ya fools ya fools." the guy, Killer B said after the beast form retracted back into him. This is too weird to explain.

"Hey Octo Pops, thanks!" Naruto said with his weird habit of nicknaming people Then Killer B went off with his incoherent rhymes, I wanted to anime cry at that very moment at how confused I was feeling, but instead, I just sighed and held my face in my hands trying to comprehend what just went down. But mostly was just cursing Kakashi out for making me have to stick this confusing mess. 

"I'm glad you all made it here in one piece!" another man appeared, but instead of the boat, he was stood on one of the spikes on the island. "I need a nap... this is too much for today," I muttered just feeling like I had never slept in my life. "I am Supervisor Motoi, Welcome! I'll show you to your rooms." It felt like heaven reached down to earth when he said that and just like that my mind was filled with just thoughts of my bed, ignoring practically anything else except how to walk, blink and breath. Like literally I didn't even react when King the monkey came out to attack us until Killer B calmed him

And the moment my face touched the material of the fluffy cushion I was out like a light.

After a while, I woke peacefully as I sat back up wiping off the drool by my lip. "Hm?" What this?" I asked confused as my eyes got a glimpse of something outside the window of my room near my bed.  The sun was still beaming ahead but faint muffled sounds of something hitting the ground caught my attention. "Well... gotta go see what that's about, don't I?" 

As I made my way through the trees I heard it again but louder. "Come on anytime now," Killer B's voice seemed to pierce through my ears making me slip behind a tree to see what was going on. It seemed to be a circle of the island's beasts. This panda started making his way over this white one ready to trample the Jinchiriki, but in mid-air, he was stopped by tentacles that protruded from B's back.  The tentacles was able to push the panda with a scar back and out of the circle. "On this Island I'm top dog, taking you guys on like a whirlwind clearing the fall. Yeeeah!" he celebrated. I watched, I had too much pent up energy from the lack of fighting we got on our travels and Guy isn't in much of great shape for extreme training like we usually did back at the village. "Mind if I join?" I asked making myself known whilst coming out from behind the tree. "If you can handle what we are putting down, ya fool ya fool." the man said making me grin, "Oh I think I can manage," I said cracking my knuckles and stretching my neck side to side. 

It firstly was the panda, then the grizzly when I finally got even more bored. I turned to B. "This isn't much of a challenge," I muttered looking at the fallen two bears I took on together. "That's wack like the sun shining on a rainy day." He said, well wrapped, but I didn't get it so I just raised a brow at him. He gets weirder the more I get to know him. Yet oddly enough... I'm starting to get what he means.  "Mind if I challenge the 'top dog'?" I said adding quotations to the two words. I'm not naming him top dog until I get to battle him. I believe that one's truest strength comes within battle, well much more serious battles like life or death situations. He seemed to comprehend what I was saying before a grin sprouted from his face and he stepped into the circle. "And please... go fill tails beast mode or whatever. Just know... I'm not gonna hold back either." I grin as my eyes shifted to the lavender coloured Sharingan. Byaku-Sharingan. I rarely use this, but to be frank... a tailed beast is no joke especially the eight or Nine tails. "respect, ya fool ya fool." he said starting to shift into beast form. "I'm not sure if you're mocking me or respecting me at this point." I earnestly said before launch ng at him.

*A/N- Heyo everyone reading! really sorry for not updating in so long. School caught up to me this time, I will be updating the owed chapters somewhere this week if not spam me with messages if need be XD, I will be trying to post the next chapter today too as an apology for not having posted the whole of three weeks, almost four.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed it and see ya <3*

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