Chapter 35

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"I don't want you getting hurt Hira, you or our child." Kakashi said as he held my by my waist. It's a few minutes after Gaara's beautiful and aspiring speech, did we sneak to a nearby clear hall. I smiled up at Kakashi. "I won't, I spoke with Lady Tsunade about this. I will be guarding the communication unit and helping heal those who need it there. So I will be far away from actual danger." I smiled up at my husband, he still had a look of concern on his face before he sighed defeated. He pulled me back in to kiss the top of my head, before leaning his forehead against mine. "Promise me you'll stay safe, the second a sign of danger comes..." I cut him off. "I'll handle it." I smiled pulling back to look at him again, "Kakashi, I think you're forgetting that I'm the queen of defence here." I joke poking his chest, his one hand left my waist to wrap it around the hand that poked him. "I know, but I also know how clumsy you can be." He joked back making me playfully roll my eyes at him. "You're just as clumsy as I am." I muttered back, not having another comeback. My lame excuse of one did make him chuckle, which was music to my ears. My scowl softened to a smile before falling down into a serious frown. "But Kakashi, you should be careful out there. I can't loose you too. Once was hard enough." I sadly spoke feeling a knot in my stomach at just the thought. Kakashi seemed to sense how sad and worried I was as a faint smile outlined his mask before he lifted my hand he was holding to his face. With on his pointer and middle finger did he take off his mask, not even letting go of my hand once. He lifted my hand to his lips and kissed the inside of my palm. "I promise love."

After he said that we pulled each other closer once more for another long hug, one we truly needed before the hell we were yet to face. A reminder of what we need to come back to and for what we are fighting for.

The hug lasted a few minutes before Kakashi was called to position, we gave one final passionate kiss before leaving to our set location.

I glanced at my hands, before stretching my fingers. Only a fraction of my chakra was depleted with what I did, a precaution not only for Kakashi, but everyone I care for.

"You ready?" Inoichi asked me as we finally got everything set up. I glanced at him, "I should be asking you that... I'm practically doing nothing here." I joked making him smile. The moment he placed the head gear on my smile dropped and my whole body seemed to become serious. This is war after all, the previous one we fought I lost practically everything and that was evenly matched in ways. This war... against a war legend... it scares me what I might loose this time. My hand went to my katana from before, my thumb creasing the handle. "You better bring luck this time around, because we sure are going to need it."

The battle barely even began and we were hearing of previous Kage joining the opposite team. Each time my fingers would twitching wanting to join in and help, but one look from Lady Tsunademade me sit back down. She had me stay here with them knowing I would jump into the battle the second I could wanting to fight alongside my comrades. "Hira.... Hizashi... he's among the group emerging from the First company." Inoichi said as someone else reported the rest, but my mind didn't listen. "Uncle..." I muttered, my breath got stuck in my throat, I never got the chance of saying goodbye. My eyes wanted to tear up as my heart clenched.  I glanced at Lady Tsunade wanting to go. Needing to go.

If I was correct, Uncle Hiashi was in the First Company meaning...

My fist clenched tighter at my sides. "Curse you Kabuto... curse the hell out of you!" I yelled slamming my fist against the table before stomping off to just at least get out of the room for a breather. A furious fire was now raging inside me, first Sai's ANBU brother, after him was Zabuza and Haku, now Gaara's and the Raikage's fathers and my Uncle who practically became my father figure when my father abandoned me. He really is hitting some of us where it hurts and I hate him for that.

"You need to calm down Hira, he wants to rile us up so we loose focus." Lady Tsunade calmly  yet urgently said to me as I was pacing the hallway up and down to release anger. I spun around on my heals. "I can't stay calm Lady Hokage, I've been here..." I lifted my hand up spread out to exaggerate. "Whilst everyone is out the battling for their lives, our lives. My husband is out there and I can't even be by his side, it's infuriating. Now... now I have to sit still knowing my revived uncle is out there fighting against my other uncle!" I yelled out throwing my arms around before just staring at Lady Tsunade. She sighed, "I get it, okay. I don't like this arrangement as much as you do, but I know that out there they need guidance to get us through this. You need to stay here because frankly your still pregnant the last time I checked and I can't send you back to the village, because I know you would just go running back into battle. So go back in there and sit down." She yelled back pointing to the room. I felt like a child being scolded and punished by their parent, so I acted like it. I huffed and puffed all the way back to my chair seeing the Raikage's chair empty.

I was about to point it out, my mouth open as I looked at Lady Hokage with my finger pointed at the empty chair, but quickly shut my mouth and retracted my hand to my lap with the look she gave me.

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