Chapter 44

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*A/N- Hey everyone, just a quick note. I know most of the scenes are different and stuff from the show, but please keep in mind I haven't watched this show in a really long time and I also wanted Hira involved in the story a bit more. 

So after saying that, please keep this in mind with this chapter and the rest that will follow.

Love you guys*

Kakashi held onto my waist as we returned to the battle finding a Naruto, well the Nine-Tailed Fox living inside him, who took over the blonde's body to create a Tailed Beast Bomb with Eight-Tails. 

I watched them as they launched the bomb, feeling the wind pressure build up as the black mana ball was flying through the air to where the Ten Tailed beast was busy waking up. The force of the impact caused a wall of wind hit us worse than belly flopping in a big body of water.

My grip tightened around  Kakashi to stabilize myself so as to not be flung away like a rag doll and Kakashi did the same. 

Naruto seemed to jump celebrating as Kakashi stared in disbelief and all I could do was let tears slip hoping this mess was over. "It's over..." I spoke in relief, yet also questioned if it was really true.

"for this world." someone's deep voice spoke behind us making me look over my shoulder at the man we thought was our friend. He stood there, holding his stomach as he panted with a trickle of blood leaking from his mouth. 

A terrifying scream echoed through the now night sky... making my knees buckle as a fearful chill run up my spine. "No..." I muttered defeated to myself, why couldn't it just die, why do we always have to struggle so? There was dust surrounding it from the force of its scream giving it an even more eerie feeling as Eight tails and Naruto's clone from before, which is surrounded by Kurama's chakra that is forming an image of the giant fox, stood behind us as an extra precaution.

"Got it." Naruto suddenly said as he lost the Kurama chakra that was forming a cloak around his body, making him look like Minato-sensei in a way, "So if you say he's all Nature Energy, " the blonde started as he sat down to meditate, most likely to activate Sage mode. "Then I'll check him out." I watched him as the orange circles appeared around his eyes. "No kidding..." He said making me blink confused, "Are you taking to Kurama or something?" I asked. but he didn't seem to hear me. I glanced over to where the two Uchiha's stood talking as a rod-like thing was placed into their neck most likely connecting them to the Ten-Tails.  "I wonder..." I started about to jump towards them when Kakashi pulled me back and lifted me up to jump into the Chakra Kurama. "Wait..." I was about to protest, but we were already in so I just watched as Kurama attacked the Ten-Tails.

My eyes once again looked over at the enemy and then at my husband. I know what I'm about to do is dumb...  Going unnoticed, I switched myself out for a shadow clone as the two boys went to attack the Ten-Tails head on I had hidden off to the side... gathering mana and infusing myself with natural energy. I had a feeling something will happen and I will need this, and that was when I sensed it...  one of the Ten-Tails Beast bombs heading to HQ made tears form in my eyes.

Third Person PoV: 

The Allied shinobi forces started to realize who the Ten-Tails were aiming for, Shikamaru and Ino looked at one another in fear and as Shikaku's voice stopped talking after relaying his plan, a tear rolled down the two members of Team 10 knowing what happened.

The army realized what had happened to make their hearts sink in pain, Kakashi heard the sound of a sudden poof making him spin around to see what happened only to find his wife missing and smoke flowing from where she stood earlier. Did she just disappear? Or was that a Shadow clone? "Hira..." he spoke scared of what he thought his wife did, he feared the thought as it was a suicide mission. 

A sudden crash brought his attention back to the battle finding two familiar Hyuga's helping protect Naruto as the boy became exhausted from the relentless attacks he threw... but then he saw it... the black poles heading toward the boy and Hinata stood before him ready to sacrifice herself for the blonde boy she had loved so much since they were kids. Her love blinded her from protecting herself just the boy, but she didn't see her Cousin standing before her ready to take the hit. Kakashi was about to yell at the three to get out of the way until... the rods rained down at an impeccable speed.

As death was about to make its appearance, killing the Hyuga of the branch family, a soft blue glow appeared around them. Kakashi smiled at the sight before him, his wife stood hugging the two Hyuga's she had learned to love. She held them tightly, "I won't let either of you leave me, " she whispered as a tear rolled down her face mixed with blood making Kakashi's heart fall a bit hoping she was alright, the two already stunned figures respond to her hug finding the warmth that of a mother in case them, the warmth they haven't felt since they were kids.

The black pols were shattered on impact of the hard shell her Susanoo provided, it sheltered her and her family from the horror looming over them and the horrifying scene behind the three. Bodies scattered about with poles impaled to them. Hira coughed, a small sputter of blood leaking from her nose and dripping onto the floor.

"Hira-sensai." Naruto said in worry watching the blood drip from her nose.

Drip.. Drip... Drip

Kakashi was only focused on the sound... hoping it was just a mere nosebleed as she had clearly exhausted herself. 

"I... I'm alright... so is.... the... p..people from HQ," she spoke softly as exhaustion took over her body. Naruto jumped up as he saw he swaying around unstable after letting go of Neji and Hinata, he caught her body as she fell almost seeming elegant as she did. Her eyes weakly looked at Naruto as he held her at arm's length. Bloodstaining her face around her eyes and nose. He looked at his sensei with worry as he saw the small scrapes on her usually flawless skin, "Stop looking so worried, I just need to rest a bit..." She said as her head lulled back and her eyes closed.

True Bonds ~Book 3 of Kakashi LS~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora