Chapter 21

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"What! It can't be... How could Lady Tsunade agree to that!?" I yelled scared at what I just heard the now teen Team 10 told me, "Yeah Naruto and Kakashi went after the Raikage to see if they could change his mind." Shikamaru told me lazily, "Sakura went after them... to tell them what we had decided." Ino mumbled sadly, "Decided on what?" I asked a bit scared to know the answers, "We, as Sasuke's friends have decided to..." Ino started before choking up, but Shikamaru took over as Choji tried comforting the blonde girl. "We decided to take care of him ourselves." The Nara boy said making my eyes snap to him from the sight of the blonde crying even louder at his words. "WHAT!" I yelled, calm yourself Hira... they are still just children who doesn't know what they are talking about. I groaned closing my eyes as my fingers pinched the bridge of my nose trying to stop from yelling at them. "Did Sakura go alone?" I asked opening my eyes to look at the group, but mostly Shikamaru as he seemed to be focused on me unlike the other two. "No, Kiba, Sai and Lee went with her." I could her the almost squeaking sound of the material from my fingerless gloves rubbing against itself as my hands squeezed into tight fists beside my hands. I wanted to punch something, anything really just to get my frustration and anger out.

"You call yourself Sasuke's friends, but tou rather kill him then save him." I growled glaring at the dirt floor. "We can't save him, Hira-sensei. He started working with the Akatsuki attacking the Village Hidden in the Clouds to gain the Eight Tails for the group." My left hand flew  right then left as it built momentum to hit the wall diagonally left behind me. It fell quiet as Shikamaru cut himself off and Ino stopped crying momentarily.

"Let me tell you something, something an old friend of mine once told me, 'Those who break the rules are scum, but those who abandon their friends... are worst than scum.' The rules of the ninja has changed slightly, but even our missions are of higher importance and I hate that, but... those who choose to obey instead of fighting for their loved ones... their friends and family... that... that just breaks my heart. Sasuke might've broken the rules and fled, he joined and did a job for a villainous group... but that doesn't give you a reason to turn your back on someone lost in the darkest part of our world." At the end of my little paragraph my gaze met Shikamaru's before talrailing to the other two. "Would you want your friends to give up on you whilst you are lost... when all you find is darkness surrounding you?" I rhetorically asked before spinning around to start heading to the main gates. "I'm going after them, I know for a fact that Sakura won't do it, but... that doesn't mean she won't be in danger." I quickly slipped into Kakashi and I's combined home to grab a cloak for against the cold then took off to face the current problem we are facing.

I wasn't far when I spotted four figure laying soundlessly on the green grass on the side of the road and another hovering over them, I went to grab a kunai to attack them but Kakashi's familiar voice pierced through my ears. "KAKASHI!" I yelled out getting his attention. "What happened here?" I asked stopping beside him to look over the teens on the floor wiped out. "Sakura used a powerful concoction to knock them out. I was about to go on a head, I can explain what happened on the way." I nodded at him before we took off down the road.

"Wait so Sakura confessed these false feelings towards Naruto... to make him stop searching for Sasuke?" I questioned glancing at Kakashi, I felt a bit mad... she's playing with his feelings thinking the only reason he is out here protecting and searching for Sasuke was for her sake. "Yeah, she went on a head and my guess is that she qants to go after Sasuke herself." I wanted to face palm at this, I experienced Sasuke's new skills and behaviour first hand so I knew where this would lead. "He's going to kill her, isn't he?" I muttered and Kakashi hummed in agreement even though it wasn't needed as we both had silently thought the same things.

Sakura is going to try and fail...

I wanted scream or something but really... I felt like it was kind of my fault. I should've gone with him after Itachi's death, I still don't know what had gotten into him... but it has to do with the Akatsuki and maybe Itachi too. My legs speeded up just as it quickly stopped surprised by the sight displayed before us. Karin was on the floor bleeding put, still conscious but barely, with Sakura standing over her homding a kunai. "Is she..?" I trailed off only to see Sasuke walk around her reading his Chidori. "Kakashi!" I yelled as we jumped down, Kakashi going to block his attack and I went to stand before the two females. "H...Hira." i heard Karin's barely audible voice, even though I don't like her as much... it doesn't mean she needs to die. "Hira-sensei!" Sakura's surprised almost gasp like call spoke, but I didn't glance at her only keeping my eyes in Kakashi and Sasuke as Kakashi kicked Sasuke away making the Uchiha slide in the opposite direction of us. Kakashi landed peacefully in front of us.

"Sasuke, I don't like repeating myself, but I will say it once more. I've seen many guys like you, I've lost count. Those who follow the path of revenge end up nowhere. Do not become possessed by vengeance!" As he finished I could help but stare at his back, I once knew him as one of those guys... he wasn't seeking revenge specially on one person but many... those who abandon his father and shunned him. My eyes trailed over his shoulder to meet my brother's seeing somewhat of his face. Blood pouring from his left eye and this sinister look on his face. "Sasuke... please..." he cuts me off as he starts cackling like a madman before stopping to grin at Kakashi. "Kakashi... He spoke dangerously close to the breaking point of crazy, Kakashi didn't seem all that effected by this, I on the other hand was purely angry at him. Maybe a little disappointed as well and sad.

"As leader of team 7, I will settle this once and for all." Kakashi said snapping me back i to the situation and finding it a bit offending to not be included in that statement as we were both leaders of that team. "I don't like repeating myself either." Sasuke started making my eyes snap back to him after glaring at the back of my husband. "Stop acting like my sensei and sister..." he said a bit venomously his eyes finally meeting mine. "I have to talk to you... privately." He added a glare before looking back at Kakashi to finish what he was saying. I was curious of what had gotten him to bring that up in the middle of all this, but by the way he said the word 'sister' made me think that it was nothing good.

"Sakura," I snapped back from my thoughts to look at her after saying her name, she glanced at me worried. "Come, we need to get Karin to savety and healed." I spoke softly yet strictly as I swoop down to pick up the Uzumaki and carried her to behind a pillar and far enough from where the fight will be. I could see Kakashi talking to Sakura who still hasn't left until finishing her conversation with him. She headed towards me, but I just pointed wordlessly at the Uzumaki almost at the brink of passing out. Then I just looked at the two on the bridge, I was still mad at her for not only going after Sasuke and playing with Naruto's feelings, but abandoning her friends to try and take of something that almost got herself killed. They started conversing again before launching at each other.

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