You Watch Old Cartoon Network TV Shows Together

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Michael (The Flintstones):

Your hand was running through Michael’s hair in a tiring peaceful manor, the exhausted boy resting his soft cheek against your lap with his legs dragged over the armrest of the couch, a blanket resting nice over his body to create heat and make sure he wasn’t getting cold. The TV in front of you was flashing old cartoon shows, not that you were caught up with it, a magazine to your left had your attention more than anything else. Michael had been working since 5AM the past couple of days to make sure the rest of the new EP was finished and created, making the poor boy ruin his sleeping routines totally and barely getting the chance to be up to 9PM without collapsing onto your bed in exhaustion but you couldn’t blame him or anyone else, he was doing what he loved. Michael let out a grumble in sleep, shifting around in his position so his face were now facing your stomach, his nose almost bumping into your belly. You formed a small smile as you looked down at him in admiration, but your attention was stolen away from something else when a similar theme song filled your ears, your eyes going wide as you noticed the start intro to The Flintstones. ”Oh my god.” You exclaimed to yourself, reaching out to grab the remote, almost waking Michael up by your movement but luckily that didn’t happen as you turned up the volume. But after some seconds, you were so caught up in the intro that you didn’t even notice Michael’s presence, making you scream up in unison with Fred, yelling out a clear ”Yabbadabbadu!” which startled Michael out of his sleep, his eyes wide in shock. When you felt him moving under you, your eyes turned into wide orbs as you noticed how he had been awoken, a guilty feeling running down your spine. ”What’s going on?” He moaned, a hand coming up to stretch his tired eye, looking up at you dazed. ”My bad..” You mumbled guilty, pointing towards the screen in front of you guys which made Michael move his head to see what you were indicating at, his mouth opening wide when he noticed the old cartoon on your screen. ”You love that show?” He asked, noticing how your cheeks turned into a red color by the question, nodding your head guilty. ”Guess what.” He requested, moving around so his face were now facing the TV fully. ”Me too.” He answered himself which made a smile appear on your lips. ”Wake me up if I fall into a slumber. I really wanna see this.” You nodded your head even though he couldn’t see you, your hand coming back to his hair to scratch his roots, a pleasant groan coming from his throat in delight, enjoying the TV show that was sending clear memorizes to the both of you.

Ashton (The Scooby Doo Show):

Your head was resting against the pillow that was pressed against the mattress you were sprawled over, your head dazed and hot trying to suffer from the fever that had hit you recently, a water bottle next to you trying to make you stay awake to survive this terrible cold. You hadn’t been doing much recently due to this cold, and it was making you nuts. You had absolutely nothing to do otherwise than to sit in front of your laptop or your TV, trying to drown yourself in TV shows in hope of getting the chance to feel any better. But without any hope. Your eyes were dazed and mixing between being opened and closed but when the sound of The Scooby Doo Show’s theme intro started on your screen, your eyes went wide fully and a squeal came from your lips as you sat up almost too fast for your statement, but you couldn’t care at the moment, your excitement was clear on your clothes. Leaning back on your bed, you had a satisfied smile on your lips as you started to watch the show but the sound of footsteps speeding up the stairs outside your bedroom, your eyes going wide as Ashton bragged into the room. ”What happened, where does it hurt?” His eyes were wide as he looked around in fear, but his face expression changed into a confused one when he noticed how there was no sight of danger – or in fact you throwing up or something similar. ”Look!” You smiled, pointing towards the TV making Ashton move his head in a confused manor, his eyebrows furrowing when he noticed Scooby Doo covering the screen. ”You’re not feeling bad or anything?” He asked after some seconds of watching, a small smile appearing on his lips by the sudden childhood memories from the show, looking over at you. ”No, I was just very excited by this.” You chuckled, sitting more straight in the bed and pulled the blanket over you to make sure that you were warm, Ashton glancing between the door, TV and you. ”You mind if I sit here for some time and watch it with you.” He asked, making you lift one eyebrow. ”I thought you didn’t wanted to be with me due to my sickness and you didn’t want to get sick as well with the tour being so close. Ashton shrugged his shoulders in a none caring manor before placing his knee on the mattress, moving around so he was next to you with his back pressed against the headboard. ”This used to be my favourite show when I was younger and I haven’t seen it in a long time, and you for the matter.” Whether it was Ashton’s sweet compliment or the fact that you were still suffering from a fever, you didn’t know but you didn’t care anyways, this was the first time you had actually been with him besides sleeping at night so this was enjoyment, and the fact that he loved this show made it ten times better. ”Then join me fully.” You invited, opening your duvet and Ashton obeyed gladly before cuddling down to you, his arm dragging around your shoulder as both your eyes were now glued to the show, childhood memories filling the both of you.

5 Seconds Of Summer PreferencesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora