Chapter 78

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The next morning I helped Fleur and Luna make breakfast. Hermione wasn't well enough to get out of bed and the men were all still asleep. Except Harry.

"He lost a dear friend." Luna commented, staring out at Harry through the kitchen window. He had been sitting at Dobby's grave the whole time I've been awake. I wasn't sure if he even went to bed last night.

"Yeah, he's had so much loss." I replied. My heart broke for Harry, especially because I knew Dobby's death wasn't the last innocent death in this war.

"Here." Luna slid over a small vial of iridescent liquid. Magic restoration potion. "Hermione won't be well enough for a while so I made it for you."

"Thank you, Luna." I smiled, taking the potion. It had been less than a day since she'd been out of the dungeon and she was already back to being a bright ray of light. She was going to go home to her distraught father right after breakfast.

I sipped the potion, eager to get my magic back. My veins tingled as the magic revitalized itself in my body. I stared at the whisk I had been holding earlier and tried to levitate it.

As the whisk drifted upwards and batter dripped from it's tip, I felt a rush of joy. I was happy to have my magic back but a part of me wished Draco was here to celebrate with me. He was the only one who knew exactly what I had been going through for the past six months.

Draco... I was so puzzled by him. I thought he was done fighting for my father's side. He could have easily exposed Harry and regained his family's status amongst the Death Eaters. He could have left me trapped in his room and not have told me about Hermione being tortured.

But then everything changed at the drop of a hat. He fought against us when it came down to it. He was about to call my father and turn Harry in. He had picked my sister over doing what was right. And now that I was gone and he had his magic back, I had no idea what would happen to him.

The front door opened and I lowered the whisk back down. Harry walked in.

"I need to talk to the goblin." He announced.

"He's in the room two doors to the right from yours." Fleur informed him. Harry nodded and started to head towards the stairs. I followed him and he didn't protest so I figured my company was welcomed.

When we got up the stairs Harry knocked on the door. After a few minutes of silence Harry grew impatient and opened it. Griphook sat in a rattan chair, eyes closed peacefully.

"How are you?" Harry asked, trying to remain respectful.

"Alive." Griphook replied.

"You probably don't remember... that you-"

"That I showed you to your vault the first time you came to Gringotts?" Griphook finished. "Even amongst goblins you're famous, Harry Potter."

Harry remained silent.

"You buried the elf." Griphook stated. Harry nodded. "And brought me here... You are... a very unusual wizard."

I didn't think Harry was unusual, I believed he just had a bigger heart than most wizards.

Griphook gestured to the sword that was leaning against the wall in the corner of the room. "How did you come by this sword?"

"The sword presented itself to us in a moment of need." Harry replied. "We didn't steal it."

"My sister was livid when she thought they had broken into her vault. Is she hiding something?" I asked the goblin.

"Perhaps." Griphook replied slowly, he wasn't going to reveal anything easily.

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