Chapter 45

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Hermione and I weren't keen on going to Slughorn's dinner party, but Harry insisted it would be fun. We both knew he just didn't want to go alone.

Ron sulked about being left alone all evening but Hermione promised to bring him back a doggy bag.

Since the Hufflepuff dorms were closer to Professor Slughorn's office, I got there before the others.

I knocked and waited for him to answer but he didn't come. I could hear faint murmurs coming inside so I knew he was in there, but when I knocked a second time there was still no answer.

Several minutes went by, I wondered if Slughorn was intoxicated again.

Finally, Harry and Hermione showed up. Harry knocked on the door and within seconds Slughorn opened the door. I was annoyed but chose not to dwell on it.

I followed Harry inside and found my sister sitting at the table sipping a glass of mead.

"I'm sure you all know Miss.Izar." Slughorn laughed at himself. My sister giggled along, holding up a manicured hand in front of her mouth.

Could she be more fake?

I took a seat on the opposite side of the table from her.

I could tell by the twinkle she had been up to something. Was that why Slughorn didn't answer the door earlier?

The other students trickled in and we started to eat.

Judging by the framed pictures of magical A listers and autographed items, Slughorn clearly had a weird obsession with success and fame. I could tell he was sizing every single one of us up.

After dessert people were starting to clear out. I thanked the professor for dinner and followed Hermione to the door.

"You guys go on ahead." Harry said, lingering behind. He was going to try to talk to Slughorn.

"Want me to wait for you?" I asked.

"It's okay." He smiled, taking my hand. "I'll find you later."

Harry leaned in and gave me a small kiss on the cheek, he was kind of shy and awkward about it but it was endearing.

"I'm going to throw up that whole 7 course meal." Lia muttered to her friend Blaise as she walked past. Her eyes locked with mine and there was nothing but pure disgust.

"Bye." I whispered to Harry, ignoring Lia's reaction.

I exited in the room and was immediately ambushed. Lia and Blaise each stood on either side of me, preventing me from leaving

"Don't tell me you're in love Potter now." My sister scowled. "It was bad enough that you were just friends."

"Leave me alone, Lia." I sighed. I was tired of fighting with her, we were never going to see eye to eye.

"You know Father will kill both of you the second he found out about your little romance."

"Then tell him." I fired back. Our matching green eyes were locked on each other. I stood my ground, refusing to be the weaker one for once.

"Maybe I will." She smirked and took a step forward, not breaking her hold. Lia loved to play this game, granted she always won.

We stood there head to head for what seemed like forever. We probably would have continued on if Pansy didn't come flying down the hall.

"Lia, Draco needs you. Come quick." Pansy's voice was shaky and breathless. My sister was reluctant to look away but I could see the panic in her eyes at the mention of Draco.

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