Chapter 46

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"Who are you asking to Slughorn's Christmas party?" Hermione asked.

The two of us were sitting in the library by the window. The snow was falling hard outside but the fire in the nearby fireplace kept us warm.

Earlier that week, we had both gotten invitations to Professor Slughorn's exclusive Christmas dinner. Harry had gotten one as well but of course Ron hadn't. He wasn't upset this time though, he was too busy snogging his new girlfriend, Lavender Brown.

Lavender was a gorgeous Gryffindor girl with flawless clear skin and hair that was always done in intricate braids. I wasn't her biggest fan though, she was a bit of a drama queen and liked to tell everybody every bit of her business.

"I'll probably go with Harry." I replied, blushing slightly. "You?"

"Well I was going to ask Ronald, but he appears to be preoccupied with Lavender." Hermione huffed.

She also wasn't too fond of Ron's girlfriend, but I suspected her reasons differed.

As if on cue, Ron and Lavender entered the library, they were arm in arm and giggling like idiots. Hermione's eyes narrowed when she caught sight of them. Harry trailed awkwardly behind the couple, relief filled his eyes when he saw us sitting there.

"Hey Mione, hey Riah." Ron waved, barely taking his eyes off Lavender.

"Hi." I replied. Hermione remained silent, stewing in her disgust.

The couple took a seat at the table across from us, closer to the fireplace. Neither of them pulled out any books, they just leaned across the table and locked lips.

Harry took the seat next to me and offered a small smile.

"Harry, who are you taking to the Christmas Party?" Hermione asked him, giving me a not so subtle wink.

"Well uh..." Harry stammered, his face turned red. "Riah, I don't know if you already have a date but uh..."

"I'd be happy to go with you." I replied before he finished.

"Really?" Harry asked, surprised. I couldn't help but chuckle at him. It wasn't a secret we liked each other, but every time we were in situations like this, he acted like it was the last thing he ever expected to happen.

"Romilda Vane is going to be crushed." Hermione giggled.

"Who's Romilda Vane?" Harry asked, puzzled.

"She's over there." Hermione nodded towards the door. A scarlet haired Gryffindor girl was staring at Harry longingly. "Rumor has it she's been trying to smuggle you a love potion."

"Oh interesting." A small smile appeared on his face, and he puffed out his chest. I could literally see his ego growing right in front of me.

Hermione picked up her book and gave him a hard smack on the arm.

"Ow." Harry scowled at her, rubbing his injured arm.

Hermione motioned to me with her eyes, she was really going for the subtlety award that night.

"What? I just said it was interesting." Harry's eyes widened innocently. "I already know I snagged the best date." He winked at me, now full of confidence.

The sound of Ron and Lavender snogging got loud again and a sour look returned to Hermione's face.

"Actually, I was thinking of asking Cormac to the party." Hermione said loudly even though no one had asked.

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