Chapter 23

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The satisfaction of watching Harry get detention with Umbridge was dampened by my sister outburst. I knew she was struggling with Cedric's death but that had been months ago, I didn't know she was still so deeply affected.

We had to focus and stay strong, our father depended on us. I felt somewhat guilty, I had been so focused on my father, all the shit with Theo, and my new relationship with Draco, I hadn't been there for her.

I didn't see my sister again till lunch later that day. She sat alone at the edge of her house table, picking at the food on her plate. I tried to talk to her but she wasn't responding to my telepathic calls. As she ignored me, I ignored Theo's pathetic staring at me. Luckily Goyle and Crabbe wouldn't let him get close enough to talk to me at all, Draco had instructed them to follow me when he wasn't around.

Draco's protection was patronizing but also comforting. 

Later that evening I spotted my sister again in the courtyard. Auriah was sitting with the crazy new girl everyone was talking about. People had said that the new girl constantly babbled about nonsense, they called her Loony Lovegood.

I felt a sense of jealousy when I saw my sister laugh at something Looney had said. It had been months since I had even seen her smile, but this random girl made her happy enough to laugh. When I walked up to the table my sister's laughter vanished.

"Can I talk to you?" I asked Riah, Loony didn't even acknowledge my presence.

"I have a lot of studying to do." My sister replied, looking down at her books.

"Oh." I was a bit taken aback. "Well are you okay?"

"I'm fine, don't worry." She replied dismissively.

The girl sitting in front of me was not my sister. Her face may have been identical to mine but I didn't know who she was anymore. Since my father returned she had been a cold, empty version of herself. I knew she cared about Cedric and losing him was hard but we had our father back, that was all we had wanted our whole lives.

I stormed back into the school, upset by my sister's dismissal. My friends were all sitting in the common room when I entered. My bad mood escalated when I saw Astoria sitting among them. I really didn't have the energy to deal with her. She had wedged herself between Blaise and Draco, Blaise looked like he enjoyed her presence while Draco leaned away and focused on his conversation with Goyle. Goyle and Crabbe were both sitting on the floor in front of the fire while Pansy, Tracey and Daphne were on the other couch.

"Hey." I said as I approached the group, staring directly at Astoria who ignored my gaze.

"Do you want to sit here?" My new pet Pansy stood up and offered up her seat.

"Mmm. No. I think I'll sit next to Draco." I kept my eye focused on the annoying first year.

"Lets go sit over there." Draco replied instantly, he started to get up.

"No." I motioned for him to sit back down. "She can move."

Astoria finally made eye contact and scoffed. Her dark green eyes rolled and she shifted her body closer to Draco.

"Daphne, get rid of your sister before I do. Permanently." I refused to break eye contact.

"Oh I'm soooo scared." Astoria laughed tauntingly.

"Come on, Ast." Daphne sighed, knowing nothing but trouble was about to start.

"I'm good here." She replied, my patience was wearing thin. She flipped her shiny long hair.

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