"Everyone out!" My father roared. "Except Aurelia."

Yaxley and Theo quickly cleared out. My heart raced, my father looked as if he were about to kill me.

"I thought this was one of my Horcruxes." He explained, suddenly calm again.

"What?" I gasped. "Your horcrux is a locket?"

"The locket of Salazar Slytherin, a family heirloom. But this," He held up the locket, "is a decoy."

"Where's the real one?" I asked.

"Hopefully safe where I left it." My father replied, giving no further information. "It's extremely important no one gets a hold of our horcruxes, Aurelia. It's a difficult task but they can be destroyed and leave us vulnerable. Do you understand?"

"Yes, father." I nodded.

"Have you hidden yours?" He asked.

"Yes." I lied, realizing that I hadn't even seen it since I threw it across the Nott's front foyer. 

My hands started to sweat, I had to go find it.


"Swong!" I exclaimed slamming down my cards on Draco's mahogany coffee table.

"You definitely cheated." Draco scowled, throwing his cards on the table.

"Nope, you just suck." I stuck my tongue out on him.

The two of us had been hiding out in his room for the last few days. The boredom pushed us to start playing games together. The most recent was Swong, a wizarding card game.

Playing with Draco reminded me of when I played games with Lia when we were little. They had the same extreme competitiveness and were both terrible losers.

His presence was a weird comfort, he filled a hole that had been empty for much too long.

"We're definitely having a rematch later." Draco declared, he pulled a cigarette out of his pocket and put it in his mouth.

I laughed as I watched him struggle with a lighter. His magic had been stripped like mine and he couldn't use a lighting spell like he was used to. After several failed attempts on his part, I grabbed the lighter and lit the cigarette for him.

He didn't thank me but that was expected, instead inhaled and passed it to me. Draco wasn't a sharer, so it was a gesture of sorts.

I wasn't a smoker but I took the offering and gave it a try.

As I expelled the smoke from my lungs, I felt a weight get carried off my chest. I focused on inhaling and exhaling which took my mind off my problems.

We sat in silence, passing the cigarette back and forth until a knock emitted from the door.

Draco sighed, rolled his eyes and got up to open it.

"What?" He grunted swinging in wide open.

'Cedric' strolled in, ignoring Draco.

"Riah, why have you been avoiding me?" He walked straight over to me. His eyes were filled with genuine hurt.

"Give it up, Mulciber. You're repulsive." I scowled.

"Have you been sleeping here?" He asked, looking around Draco's suite.

"Does it matter? She wouldn't stay with a creep like you if her life depended on it." Draco interjected, giving him the infamous Malfoy scowl, primarily used on Gryffindor first years.

"Was I talking to you, Malfoy?" Mulciber scowled at the blonde boy.

"Remember who's house you're in, Mulciber." Draco scowled back.

"Ri, just come back to my room tonight. I'll make sweet love to you like your lover boy used to." Mulciber turned back to me.

"If you don't the fuck out right now, I will Crucio you so hard your brain desiderates." Draco inserted himself right in Mulciber's face.

"With what magic?" Mulciber chuckled, puffing up his chest.

Draco grabbed him by the throat, even in Cedric's body Draco still towered over Mulciber.

"I guess I'll have to scramble your brains with no magic then." Draco growled.

"Relax." Mulciber tried to pull away and poorly attempted to hide his fear. "I'm just playing around, you tossers."

"You have five seconds to get out of my sight- no- get out of my house, before I tear you apart." Draco said to him.

Mulciber threw me one last lustful glance and shoved Draco off of him. Without another word he walked out of the room.

Draco watched him go and slammed the door behind the creep. He strolled back over and sat down again.

"Rematch?" Draco asked, picking up the cards.

We were just going to ignore what had just happened I suppose.

"Get ready to lose again." I smirked.

"Keep dreaming, Izar." 


I combed through the entire Nott house in a frenzy. I had every house elf looking for my mother's ring.

I hated myself for ever taking it off, it was literally my life line.

Theo had no idea about the significance of the ring but that didn't spot him from putting every effort into finding it.

He tried every summoning spell he knew, which wasn't a lot but at least he tried.

Neither of us had the slightest idea where the ring could have gone to. Theo suggested that one of the house elves had taken it and pawned it. He wanted to interrogate each one, Yaxley style, but I stopped him. Even if they had taken it, it would be long gone by now.

I just prayed to Salazar no whoever had it wouldn't try to destroy it. 

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