"Because she wanted to protect us!" I shouted back.

"There is nothing to protect us from. He's our father and he loves us." With that she stormed off. I didn't bother going after her, she was clinically insane. 


I managed to avoid Aunt Helena and Auriah for the days before I went back to Hogwarts.

They were both traitors.

When we got to platform 9 ¾ I left without so much as a goodbye. I was desperate to be away from them and desperate to see Draco again.

I didn't see him anywhere on the platform so I boarded the train. My breath caught when I saw him. He was standing with Blaise, looking for a place to sit. He had gotten taller over the summer.

"Draco." I ran towards him.

His face filled with surprise when he saw me. He grabbed me in his arms and hugged me tight. Blaise was watching us but I didn't care, I kissed him ferociously.

"Get a compartment." Blaised laughed.

"Lia, over here!" Pansy called, she had snagged us a table. Blaise slid in next to her, Draco and I took the other side. Daphne and Tracey sat with Goyle and Crabbe behind us.

I noticed the table of girls sitting across the aisle giggling and looking at Draco, stupid first years. I tried to ignore them and listen to Pansy's boring story about her trip to Australia.

"You're Draco Malfoy right?" One of the girls spoke up. Pansy sent her a glare, annoyed that her story had been interrupted.

"Yes." Draco answered, not even bothering to look at them.

"I can't wait to see you play quidditch this year." She said.

Draco ignored the girl completely.

"Are you the captain this year?" The girl was persistent.

"Sweetie, leave us alone before I spell your mouth shut." I said, shooting her a fake smile.

Suddenly the compartment got dark. From the loud shouting it seemed like the whole train was filled with darkness. The first year girl screamed and I thought my ear drum burst. Draco and I held each other, unsure of what was going on.

"What the hell." Draco said when the darkness cleared.

"It's probably just a first year being stupid." I told him, giving the girls a pointed glare. They shrunk down into their seats.

"Ugh, I wish this stupid train would just get to Hogwarts already." Pansy sighed.

"Hogwarts." I scoffed. "What a pathetic excuse for a school. The whole place is really going to the dogs."

"I'd pitch myself off the astronomy tower if I had to continue for another two years." Draco said in agreement.

Pansy and I exchanged confused looks.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Pansy asked.

"Lets just say I won't be wasting my time in Charms class next year." Draco replied.

I realized he had a point, there was no way he could come back to Hogwarts after killing the headmaster.

Our seventh year was going to be nothing like we expected. We had to make the most out of this year.

A smug laugh drew our attention. Theo turned around from his spot a few tables over. He was sitting with Astoria and her friends.

"Amused, Theo?" Draco challenged.

"I just think it's funny that you two are still hanging out." Theo smirked. "I thought your daddy said that wasn't allowed."

"Shut up, Theo." I rolled my eyes. As long as Draco succeeded it didn't have to worry about my father, and I was going to make sure he succeeded.

"We'll see just who's laughing in the end." Draco muttered.

Theo said something back but I ignored him, something else had caught my attention. I swear I saw something move on the luggage rails above us.

Reaching under the table I touched Draco's knee. He looked over and me and pointed above us with my eyes. He looked up but nothing was moving.

Finally the train arrived at Hogwarts. Our friends stood up and grabbed their bags from above.

"You guys go ahead." I told them. "Draco and I have something to do first."

"Gross." Blaise grinned.

"Get your mind out of the gutter." I rolled my eyes at him.

Everyone exited the train and Draco and I stood up.

"Didn't your mummy ever tell you it was rude to eavesdrop, Potter?" Draco asked out loud as he locked the doors of the train. I used my wand to pull down the blinds before pointing it at the baggage rails.

"Petrificus Totalus." I yelled. A large thump hit the ground.

"Oh right, she was dead before you could even wipe the drool off your chin." Draco smirked.

I walked towards it and reached down, I felt the thick material of a cloak and pulled it away.

My mind flashed back to my aunt's story when she caught my mother following her. I took a step back as my heart lurched, Draco grabbed my arm.

"You alright?" He asked, concern etched on his face. I nodded, bringing myself back to reality.

I lifted my foot and it hit Potter's nose with a satisfying crack. Draco gave him a second stomp.

"That's for my father." Draco spat. He lifted the cloak and covered Potter back up.

"Have a nice ride back to London." I laughed, taking Draco's hand. 

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