Theo was also in the room standing next to Yaxley,  he was bloodied and bruised as if he had been tortured. I was surprised he was still alive, he was the reason we lost the prophecy.

"Interesting." My father murmured. He stood up from his throne and walked towards me.

"Lucius never mentioned that his son was courting my daughter." He started at Draco. Our hands were locked together. "Another thing he failed to do."

I could hear the edge of cold, steely anger in my father's voice.

"The Malfoys are nothing but  a disgrace and disappointment. I will not allow this courtship to continue." My father sent a hex towards our hands, forcing us to let go of each other.

"But father, Drac-"

My argument was cut off as my father flew towards me, stopping only inches away from my face. Draco took several steps back, fearful for his life.

"Ah, my Aurelia." My father placed a cold hand on my cheek, a gesture that seemed both affectionate but also unaffectionate. "My darling, Aurelia. You held that prophecy in your hands. You were so close. We would have had the prophecy easily if it wasn't for him." Theo let out a cry as my father hit him with the Cruciatus Curse. I dug my fingernails into my palm, anticipating a strike of my own. "You did as well as a young girl could be expected to do." 

His words stung more than any Cruciatus would have. 

His disappointment was evident, I had failed him. 

"However," My father went on, "I don't understand why you were there and not Auriah. She is, after all, the one I assigned to get close to Potter."

"I- I pretended to be her." I told him.

"Why?" He asked, staring directly at my sister. My heart started to race.

"She was sick." I said quickly.

"It's true." Draco spoke up, a slight tremble in his voice. "One of Potter's minions accidentally gave her a Puking Pastille."

I felt a pang of admiration for Draco as he helped me protect my sister, but I was also scared he would be punished for speaking out of turn.

Thankfully, my father was still focused on Riah.

"Is this true?" He asked her. 

She nodded.

"Draco took care of her." I added.

I needed Draco to be in his good graces so he would reconsider letting me be with Draco.

"Hmm." My father hummed and retreated to his seat. "Well, I would say I am a pretty fair man. Wouldn't you agree, Draco?"

"Yes, of course my Lord." Draco answered quickly.

"Perhaps I will give The Malfoy family a chance to redeem themselves." My father said. "That is if you are willing to put in the effort."

"Yes, I'll do anything." Draco replied.

"Severus." My father summoned Snape forward. "Give the boy the dark mark."

"What? No." Narcissa gasped. She was instantly silenced by a deathly look from my father.

"Draco will replace Lucius within my ranks ." My father announced.

"I would be honored." Draco replied.

"And," My father continued, "you will kill Albus Dumbledore."

I saw the color in Draco's face drain as I felt my own blood rush out of mine. 

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