"Okay, whatever. Let's go." He rolled his eyes and dragged me away from the shop.

We continued down the cobblestone streets, passing muggle families in matching shirts and muggle teens in skimpy clothing. Draco and I looked out of place in our formal attire, if it weren't for the ears you would think we were meant to be elsewhere.

"We blend in now." I said smugly to Draco.

He rolled his eyes again.

"Bloody hell those are terrifying." I groaned, catching sight of two giant duck mascots walking towards us.

"Hmmm. Who would have thought the fearless Aurelia Izar would be afraid of a muggle in an animal costume." Draco chuckled.

I flipped him off and changed directions, there was no way I was getting close to the fucking creepy ducks. Draco grabbed my arm and pulled me back to him. Him and his stupid quidditch muscles continued to pull me toward the mascots.

"Mate, my friend here would like a hug." Draco said to the duck dressed in blue.

He nudged me towards it and the beast wrapped it's white polyester arms around me. The duck dressed in purple hugged me next and it took everything in me not to knock it on it's big white duck ass.

The second it released me I took several steps back. The mascots waved goodbye with their creepy arms. Who was gonna tell them ducks have wings.

"Cheers, guys." Draco grinned, holding in a laugh as he chased after me. "I guess we're even now." He smirked when he caught up to me.

"Ya, ya." I glared at him. "Just get me on that ride over there." I pointed to the giant roller coaster further up ahead.

"Next you'll be asking me to bring that castle back to London for you, little miss princess." Draco scoffed, gesturing towards the pink and blue castle in the center of the park.

"Is that an offer?" I flashed him a toothy smile. "-and it's little miss queen to you."

Despite his attitude Draco got us to the front of the line for the rollercoaster.

Over a dozen rides later the two of us were sick of squealing muggles, low on energy and starving. We had skipped lunch and it was nearly dinner time. Draco refused to eat anything mouse shaped so we left the park to eat food worthy of Fancy Pants Malfoy.

We sat down at a cute little café a few blocks away. If finally removed the adhesion spell on Draco's mouse ears.

A waiter came by to take our order and Draco ordered for both of us in perfect French. I was impressed but I didn't want to stroke his ego so I pretended it was no biggie.

After we ate we visited a few more famous landmarks, then strolled down a street lined with lots of little boutiques. As we walked by one shop something caught my eye. A beautiful diamond and emerald necklace sparked in the window display. I gasped when I saw it but I gasped even louder when I saw the price in front of it. The one piece of jewellery cost more than my house.

"Try it on." Draco nudged me into the shop.

"I can't, don't be daft." I scoffed.

"Just for fun." Draco insisted. I knew Draco could argue all day so I did what he said. He said something in French to the store attendant and she retrieved the necklace from it's glass case and handed it to Draco.

He placed it around my neck and helped me with the clasp. I started at my reflection in the small golden mirror on the wall.

"Beautiful." Draco breathed, his eyes watched me through the mirror. Our eyes met and I couldn't help but smile. Draco turned his attention to something else and I continued to admire myself.

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