"What's got your knickers in a twist?" Draco asked, taking a seat next to me. He had a cigarette in his hand but he put it out as he sat down.

He snapped his fingers and a house elf appeared, holding two bottles of pumpkin juice. 

I took a bottle and started ranting to Draco about everything. He was a good listener and didn't do that annoying thing where he tried to defend Theo or my Father with B.S excuses.

After I finished ranting Draco grabbed my hand and apparated us out of his room. I was surprised Draco was able to apparate so well so young. It was also illegal but laws didn't seem to apply to the son of Lucius Malfoy.

"What are you doing?" I asked, looking around the dark room.

"Taking your mind off your problems." Draco answered. He waved his wand and the walls of the room instantly became transparent. The night sky surrounded us and I saw we were surrounded by star charts and a few telescopes.

"You have your own astronomy tower?" I asked in shock. The room was even more impressive than Hogwarts' astronomy tower.

"My mother is obsessed with the stars. It's a Black thing I suppose." Draco shrugged. "Come look at this." He motioned me over to the telescope he was standing beside.

I went and looked into it. It was focused on a beautiful constellation.

"That's the constellation Draco." He told me. "It's circumpolar, that means you can see it every night."

He showed me a few other constellations and we even caught sight of a planet. After we went to sit by the windows, continuing to talk about random things. We never ran out of things to talk about, Draco seemed to know everything about anything. It wasn't until the sky started to turn a beautiful mix of orange and pink that I realized it was morning.

As the weeks went by, Theo had still not come back and wasn't answering a single Owl. With my sister shutting herself off in her room and the adults always in Death Eater meetings, Draco and I were left alone a lot. I didn't mind it though, Draco was good company to keep and the large manor kept us entertained. 

By the end of July it had been a whole month of silence from Theo. I wanted to go to his house and find out what was going on but my pride wouldn't let me. 

When Draco and I received invitations to Daphne's midsummer party I hoped I would see him.  


After non-stop begging from Aurelia, I finally agreed to go with her to Daphne Greengrass' party. I knew none of my friends would be invited so I wouldn't be forced to talk to anyone.

Narcissa had filled our closets with millions of brand new clothes over the course of our stay at Malfoy Manor, it was my sister's dream come true. 

My sister forced me to wear a pretty cranberry colored, off the shoulder, flared dress. It felt weird to be in anything other than my ratty sweats and t-shirt, but I also kind of missed getting dolled up.

Draco, who was surprisingly good at Apparition, apparated us to the party. I noticed my sister eyeing Draco in his fitted black suit a few times. If I didn't dislike Theo so much I probably would have felt bad for him.

We walked up to Daphne's beautiful manor, it was huge but only half the size of the Malfoys. My sister smoothed down the brand new green satin wrap dress she had on, courtesy of the Malfoys, and took a deep breath as Draco opened the door for us.

Daphne's foyer was filled with Slytherins and the Durmstrang and Beauxbaton students who hadn't returned home yet. Despite everyone's semi formal attire the party was wild. The music was so loud I could feel my heart thumping it my throat, everyone was dancing and drinking out of plastic cups. 

I was surprised the posh and elegant Daphne Greengrass would throw a party like this and even more shocked Lia wanted to come to this.

My sister hated alcohol and any substance that allowed her to lose control. She always said she was nothing if not at her best, which I thought was bull. It was nice to lose control and just forget sometimes. 

Lia and Draco both disappeared into the crowd. I wandered over to the table filled with various drinks. I grabbed one but I was hesitant, I had no idea what any of the drinks were. The only alcohol I've ever had were my aunt's homemade Elderflower wine and Yaxley's Firewhiskey. 

"Oh sorry." A deep accented voice said to me after bumping me from behind. I turned around to see Krum, red faced and glassy eyed.

When I saw him my mind immediately went to Cedric. 

I glanced at the drink in my hand and threw it down my throat, no longer caring about what it was. The warm liquid burned my throat but it took my mind off Cedric. I grabbed another, then another, it didn't stop.  

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