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"So I found out that there's a temple in Calcutta where they used to sacrifice a child every day." Stiles sighed looking up from the computer screen. "Wills?" He asked when he saw her face.

"I think I found something." She muttered as she analyzed the picture in front of her. "Look at this."

She pointed at the screen. She enlarged the picture, showing him the skull.

"What the hell is that?" Stiles asked disgusted.

"It's a bog body. Get this, 'Lindow Man was strangled and hit on the head, and his throat was cut'." Willow repeated what she had just read. "What does that sound like to you?"

"The threefold death." Stiles mumbled as he looked at the picture.

"They think his death was ritualistic."

"We're right, aren't we?" Stiles groaned, sitting next to her.

"Yeah..." Willow breathed out, feeling sick.

"Then why don't I feel good about it?"

"Because there's some psycho out there ritually sacrificing people." Willow whispered as she pulled up the other tab she was looking at.

"So, groups of three?" Stiles asked as Willow slowly nodded. "Then what is it this time? People with small dogs?"

"What?" Willow asked when realization dawned on Stiles.

"Lydia owns a small dog." Stiles gathered his stuff and got up.

"Sti, no one is sacrificing people because they have a dog." Willow whispered but Stiles didn't want to risk it. "Stiles!" She hissed but he was already rushing out of the library. "Idiot."

I'm skipping last period to do research. Cover for me?

Willow read the text she had gotten from Stiles as she walked to English Lit. Quickly typing okay, she got in the classroom heading towards her seat.

"You're in my seat." Willow glared when she saw it was occupied.

"You're welcome to sit here." Aiden replied with a cocky grin as he patted his lap.

"Get up now or I'll make a fur coat out of you." Willow whispered slamming her books on the desk.

"Are you teasing me?"

"I'm threatening you." Willow clenched her jaw wanting to wipe off the stupid smirk from his face.

"Do you two know each other?" Ethan asked with a curious look.



Willow and Aiden replied at the same time.

"We go way back don't we?" Aiden asked getting a rise out of her.

"Shut the hell up." Willow grumbled when Scott walked in.

She huffed and took Stiles' seat as Scott shot her a questioning look. Willow shrugged and turned around, facing the blackboard. She wasn't going to let him get under her skin.

"Okay, everyone, I know this is the last class of the day." Ms. Blake spoke up with a tired smile. "To be honest, I want to get out of here too."

Willow was writing the date on her notebook when she heard chair scraping behind her and Aiden rushed past her.

"Wait, Aiden! Don't!" Ethan called out but he was already out the door.

Ms. Blake looked back at the class with a puzzled look. Shaking her head, she was about to start her lecture when they all heard engine revving coming from the hallway. Willow looked at Scott and Allison who had amused looks on their faces. Ms. Blake was first to rush out of the classroom to see what was going on.

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