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It was already Friday and the mysterious man still hadn't contacted Willow which annoyed her to the core. Ready for the scrimmage, she walked out to the field with her stick in her hand.

"Wills! Wills!" Stiles beckoned her over with a smile.


"I overheard my dad on the phone, the fiber analysis came back from the lab in LA. They found animal hairs on the body from the woods!" He looked like he could explode from excitement. "It was a wolf. A freaking wolf!" He grabbed her shoulders and shook her.

"Oh no, they must be mistaken because there are no wolves in California." Willow replied shrugged with a loud sigh.

"Fine, I'm sorry I didn't believe you two." Stiles apologized with a sheepish smile.

"Next time I tell you something, believe it." Willow said and hit him lightly with her short stick.

"I gotta tell Scott too. Scott! Scott!" Stiles rushed towards the shaggy haired boy, tripping over his own feet. Willow chuckled at his actions and walked towards the middle of the field.

"Still coming to the party, right?" Danny asked as he was resting his chin on the top of his stick.

"Of course. I deserve a drink after this week." Willow groaned in need of a good time to just let it loose.

"Let's go!" Coach Finstock blew his whistle, gathering everyone's attention. "Gather around! Bring it in, come on!" He called out to the rest of the team. "Got a question, McCall?" He asked her friend and she turned to see he was waving at Allison. Willow bit her lip to hide her smile as she looked at the expression on Scott's face.

"What?" He cluelessly asked the coach, lowering his hand.

"You raised your hand. You have a question?" Coach raised his voice, his hands behind his back.

"Oh, no. I was just, uh... Nothing. Sorry." Scott shook his head, earning an annoyed glare from the coach.

"Okay. You know how this goes." Coach started off as he did before each scrimmage. "If you don't make the cut, you're most likely sitting on the bench for the rest of the season. You make the cut, you play. Your parents are proud." He opened his arms wide, waving his hands with a big smile. "Your girlfriend loves you!" He grabbed one of the player's helmet and shook his head. "Huh? Everything else is, uh, cream cheese. Now, get out there and show me what you got Come on!" He yelled in their faces, heating the team up and walked away.

"Let's go! Let's go!" Everyone shouted, jumping up and down as Willow quickly put on her helmet.

Coach blew his whistle twice, indicating the game's start and Willow ran forward. Ramirez threw the ball towards her and she easily caught it with her stick, running towards the goal. The swiftly evaded their defense line, using her agility and thinner body to her advantage. She swung her arm forward making the first shot of the game as the players on her team cheered, some clapping her on the shoulder.

"That's it Harper!" She heard coach shout proudly.

Quickly resuming playing, she saw the other team in possession of the ball so she rammed the player, stealing the ball as she ran away. Realizing she didn't have an opening, she quickly passed the ball to Scott who was unguarded. Scott stared at the ball for a second before running off. Willow cursed under her breath when she saw Jackson throwing Scott off of his feet.

"Come on. Shake it off." Willow put out a hand for her friend and pulled him up.

"Whittemore! McCall!" Coach called the two players over to have a face-off. He blew his whistle twice and Scott swiftly scooped up the ball, running towards the goal. Everyone looked in shock, mouths agape as Scott jumped over three players with a backwards flip and made a shot.

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