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Willow stood in front of her school with wide eyes as she stared at the school bus before her. Its back door was bent and almost off its hinges with scratch marks and blood splattered all over the windows. She was wondering why she didn't have a dream about it. It seemed gruesome enough for her usual nightmares. The police were already there, taking pictures and samples from the scene.

"I think it did." She heard Stiles' voice behind her. She turned around and saw her friends with open mouths and shocked faces.

"What did?" Willow asked them as Scott looked like he was about to faint. "Scott?"

"Scott's nightmare." Stiles replied as Scott kept gaping at the bloodied bus.

"What nightmare?" Willow scrunched up her face in confusion.

"He had a vivid dream where he attacked Allison." Stiles, again, replied instead of Scott with a shrug.

"Does that look like a dream to you?" Scott finally spoke up, his voice squeaking as he pointed a finger towards the bus.

"Before you panic..." Willow put a hand on his shoulder, almost feeling the panic radiating off of him. "Did you try calling her?"

"No." He sheepishly replied and quickly fished out his phone, dialing Allison. "She's not picking up." Scott kept calling her as they walked in.

"She's probably fine." Stiles tried to calm him down as he frantically looked around.

"She's not answering." Scott said putting his phone away as he started to breath heavily.

"It could just be a coincidence, all right?" The buzzcut haired boy pointed out.

"A seriously amazing coincidence." Scott muttered, running a hand through his hair.

"Scott, breathe." Willow reminded her friend as she too was looking around to see if she could spot Allison.

"Just help me find her, okay?" Scott's voice broke as he turned the corner. "Do you see her?"

"No." Willow and Stiles replied at the same time. "Oh no." Willow whispered when Scott rested his hands on a locker. "Stiles, he's losing control." They quickly walked to his either side to shield him from unwanted attention. Scott let out a frustrated yell and punched the locker, bending it. "Hey, Scott. Hey." Willow put a hand on Scott's shoulder, making him turn around. "Deep breaths." She instructed, breathing along with him.

"Just walk away man, walk away." Stiles patted Scott's back and pulled him away from the damaged locker. Scott kept walking back, panting and looking around when he collided with Allison. Willow and Stiles let out a breath and smiled at each other.

"Stiles?" Willow called out to her friend. "If Allison's okay, whose blood is all over the school bus?"

"Yeah. Did not think about that." He replied with a wince.

"Attention, students, this is your principal." Their principal's voice rang through the hallways. "I know you're all wondering about the incident that occurred last night to one of our buses. While the police work to determine what happened, classes will proceed as scheduled." Most of the students around them groaned as the bell rang. "Thank you."

"Can we not?" Willow groaned as Stiles pushed her into the chemistry class. "You know what? We should all ditch school."

"Wills." Stiles rolled his eyes as she kept dragging her feet. "At least he doesn't hate you."

"Doesn't change the fact that he's a spawn of evil." Willow whispered as she narrowed her eyes, looking at their teacher.

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