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"I love you." Stiles said as they stood next to the lacrosse field. Willow bit back a smile, trying not to chuckle. "I love you more than anything el- Oh my god! Can you stop that?" He asked with a groan.

"Stop what?" Willow asked still trying to hide her smile.

"That!" He pointed at her face. "You're making this very hard you know."

"I'm not doing anything." Willow defended herself.

"Hmm." Stiles narrowed his eyes at her. "Scott is asking if Allison knows about a bestiary."

"A bestiary?"

"Yeah, containing details about supernatur-"

"I know what a bestiary is Stiles." Willow cut him off.

"You do?" Stiles asked getting excited. "Of course you do." He nodded, remembering she had been in this world longer than any of them.

Willow patted his chest and walked towards the benches, sitting in front of Allison.

"He loves you, he loves you more than... I actually don't know. Stiles couldn't finish the sentence." Willow said with a chuckle, putting a huge smile on Allison's face. "And he wants to know if you know anything about a bestiary."

"Bestiality?" Allison asked with a frown.

"No. A bestiary. You know, book containing information about various supernatural beings?" Willow explained as Allison got an idea.

"Maybe bound in leather?" She asked, recalling what she had seen earlier.

"Probably. You look like you've seen it." Willow pointed out.

"Yeah." Allison sighed in frustration. "With my grandfather."

"She's seen her grandfather with a book like that." Willow put a hand on Stiles' shoulder, scaring him.

"It exists?!" Stiles exclaimed with wide eyes, wanting to read about it all.

"Yes." Willow replied, just as excited. "Now go."

"Where does he keep it?" Stiles came back, out of breath not two minutes later.

"Probably his office." Willow replied, jogging back to him.

"Ask if-" Stiles wheezed, now properly out of breath. "If she can get it. Ah!" He clutched his stomach, trying to catch his breath.

"And you wonder why you aren't first line." Willow shook her head earning a glare. "You gotta start working out Sti."

"Thank you, I already work out enough by running for my life." He exclaimed, collapsing on the grass.

"As much as I enjoy this, Stiles is going to have a heart attack from running around." Willow sat in front of Allison once again. "Just use our phones."

"I can't. My parents check every call, email and text message I send. Trust me, they'd find it. We leave no digital footprints." Allison refused.

"Well, that's invasion of privacy."

"I'm sorry."

"It's fine. Warm up for me before the game." Willow smiled with a shrug. Over the night, her shoulder had almost completely healed, looking like a small scratch now. "Never mind that. Can you get the book?"

"Not without his keys."

"She needs his keys." Willow announced her arrival, making Stiles sit up with a groan.

"Then we need a plan."

"We can use the game to our advantage?" Willow suggested, knowing Gerard would be there. "You have a plan, don't you?"

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