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Willow woke up with a groan, feeling sore all over. Remembering what had happened, she flailed up and realized she was in the sewers. Realizing her hands and feet were bound, she struggled to sit up straight and rest against the wall.

"Finally." The Nogitsune possessing Stiles' body came out of the shadows clapping his hands, looking void of all emotions. Void, she thought to herself. "I was wondering when you'd join us."

"Don't touch me." Willow flinched back when he reached out to touch her face making him let out a chuckle.

"Now, no need to be hostile." He crouched down in front of her, his hands on his knees. "We're gonna be here for a while. Couldn't have you find us before we finished our job."

Trying to collect her thoughts, Willow turned her head and looked ahead, not wanting to speak to him until she could figure out what he wanted. She knew her pack wouldn't be able to catch their scent from the smell down in the tunnels and without her, they wouldn't be able to find Stiles. The Nogitsune had apparently thought about all of this. Still feeling something in her gut, Willow realized Isaac was still hurt badly.

"You can feel it, can't you?" Void Stiles spoke up looking at her with intrigue. "The Beta's pain. How..." He leaned in and inhaled next to her ear. "Wonderful."

"What did you do to him?" Willow asked clenching her jaw as he took out a knife from his pocket and twirled it in his hands.

"We didn't do anything to him."

"Stop saying we." Willow's eyes snapped up to meet his. "Stiles has nothing to do with this."

"Hmm." He smiled at her and stabbed himself making Willow let out a muffled scream.

"What are you doing?!" She asked with fear in her eyes.

"Testing out the body." He replied as if it was a normal thing to say. "Huh..." He seemed surprised when he didn't heal and was still bleeding profusely from his stomach. "Guess it's not ready yet."

"Why did you do that?" Willow asked with tears pooled in her eyes. "Don't hurt Stiles, please."

"Don't be afraid Willow. I know you can heal me." He smirked at her and harshly grabbed the back of her neck. "Now, heal me."

He spoke menacingly and roughly pressed his lips against hers much to Willow's protests. Couple tears escaped her eyes as Willow let white veins travel from her lips to his. She felt somewhat drained from healing him after the tiring events of the past days. Void Stiles pulled back and chuckled, running his hands over the now smooth skin. Willow on the other hand couldn't help but wipe her lips on her shoulder. Even though he was in Stiles' body, she could tell the difference.

"You didn't have to kiss me." She narrowed her eyes in distaste as her eyelids felt heavy.

"Oh, I know." He stood up and took a step away from her, picking something up. "We wanted to do it." He faced her again, holding a piece of tape. "Now, this will keep you quiet."

As Willow came back to her senses, she realized she had passed out earlier. She didn't know how long it had been but from the dryness of her throat and the rumbling in her stomach, she guessed it had been a long while. She had a killer headache and the smell wasn't helping one bit. To her surprise, Void Stiles silently walked towards her and untaped her mouth with a water bottle in his hand.

"It's water." He stated when Willow shot a wary look at it. "I still have use for you, Willow."

With a slow nod, Willow accepted the water and took couple small sips before turning her head. She didn't know for how long he was going to keep her there and she sure wasn't planning on peeing herself.

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