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Lydia's house was packed with drunk, dancing teenagers as Stiles and Willow made their way out towards the big crowds in hopes of finding Scott. After the terrible confrontation that took place in Stiles' bedroom, Willow wasn't letting Scott out of her sight.

"Stiles! There he is." Willow lightly hit Stiles' chest and nodded towards Scott's direction who was dancing with Allison.

"He seems alright." Stiles said, surprised his friend wasn't transforming into a wolf.

"You enjoy the party, I'll keep an eye on him." Willow suggested knowing this was Stiles' first time at a huge party like this. Stiles looked around excitedly and walked towards the couple people he knew there.

Willow headed to the table, keeping her eyes on Scott and got herself a cup. Quickly downing the mixed alcohol, she poured herself another one.

"I thought you ditched me!" Danny exclaimed, yelling over the loud house music that was blaring through the speakers. "This is the girl I told you about. You'll thank me later!" He winked and pulled a guy by his arm.

"Hi, I'm Nick!" Willow faced the tall blond guy in front of him and he was a sight for sore eyes.

"Willow." She nodded and gave him a once over. She knew she had to thank Danny later.

"Wanna dance?" He leaned in and Willow gave him an eager nod. Willow grabbed his hand and led him towards the middle where she could still keep an eye on Scott. He was quick to wrap his arms around her waist and she gave a smirk as she snaked her hands around his neck. Willow felt her nerves tingle with electricity as his hands wandered around her back. She was about to forget why she was there when Scott rushed by them, clutching his head with a pained expression.

"Fuck." She hissed under her breath. "I am so sorry. Believe me, I wouldn't leave if it wasn't important." She patted his chest, feeling how toned he was and shook her head. She saw Allison running after Scott and she put down his hands with a pained smile. She was fast to run after them when she saw Stiles there.

"Scott?" Stiles called out to their friend.

"Come on!" Willow grabbed his shirt and dragged him with her. 

As they got out of the house, Willow saw Derek reaching Allison with a smile plastered on his face.

"Oh my god. What is he doing here? What are we gonna do?" Stiles exclaimed rubbing his face as he looked at the interaction before them.

"You go find Scott. I'll deal with this." Willow got down the stairs with a determined look.

"Wha- what will you do?" She heard Stiles ask after him.

"I'm a friend of Scott's. My name's Derek." Derek introduced himself with a fake smile. "I can give you a ride."

"Perfect. We can drop off Allison and then me." Willow jumped in the conversation with a big smile.


"Hey, Allison. I'm sorry about Scott, I think he had an attack or something." Willow came up with a lie on the spot and realized Derek was giving her an annoyed look.

Derek couldn't say anything besides giving the girl a tight lipped smile as she got on his car with Allison. The drive was mostly quiet, Allison giving directions to her house.

"Thank you." Allison was glad to get out of the uncomfortable air that hung in the car. "I'll see you at school Willow."

"What's your deal?" Willow faced Derek as he started to drive. "That was so creepy you know. Approaching Allison like that." She added seeing as he wasn't going to reply. "Do you know who the alpha is?" She asked after a couple minutes of silence.

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