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Willow walked over to the boys locker room after receiving a text saying they needed help convincing Jackson. She pushed the door open and was stopped before she could reach Scott and Stiles' lockers.

"Uh, Willow. Hey." Someone stopped her. "You uh, probably don't know me but-"

"Oh, you're Isaac, right?" Willow smiled at the curly haired boy.

"You know my name?" He asked with wide eyes, taken aback.

"Of course. We've been going to the same school for years." She kindly smiled. "Plus we're on the same team you know." She chuckled at his shock. 

"Huh, that's true. Well, I was uh..." Isaac scratched the back of his neck, his pale cheeks starting to blush. "Do you want to go to the formal with me?" He quickly said making Willow chuckle. "Actually, no. Wait. That was stupid, of course you have a date."


"What?" Isaac thought he had misheard the girl.

"Sure, I'll go to the formal with you. I was thinking about going solo but I can make an exception." Willow patted his chest with a grin. She could almost see his heart beating fast against his chest. "Just make sure you wear a blue tie." She winked and walked away, leaving the teen dumbfounded against his locker, staring at where she disappeared to.

"Not my problem." She heard Jackson say and turn around to leave.

"Jackass, hi." Willow greeted him with a smile and placed her hands on his shoulders, turning him around to face Scott and Stiles again.

"You're her friend, too. You are. All that time that you spent with her to get to me, you can't tell me that you didn't get to know her and like her." Scott sounded desperate. "It's Allison. It's impossible not to like her. You can't tell me that you don't care if she gets hurt."

"What if I get hurt?" Jackson asked raising an eyebrow.

"Then it's worth it." Scott replied, not caring about it.

"And you would have done something selfless for once." Willow leaned forward to whisper in Jackson's ear. "Is it really that hard? Doing something nice because it's the right thing to do?"

"I can tell you one thing that I did for someone else." Jackson craned his neck to look at her with a smirk.

"Don't you dare." Willow narrowed her eyes at him.

"I'm done here." Jackson shrugged her hands off him and walked away.

"Well, I shouldn't say I told you so. Cause it's not strong enough. How about, I'm always right and you should listen to whatever I have to say and never disagree, ever, ever for the sake of your wolflihood?" Stiles exclaimed, leaning against the lockers.

"Scare him." Willow suggested, looking at the direction Jackson walked off to.

"What?" Stiles asked his mouth open.

"She's right." Scott walked away with determination. "One more thing." They heard him say before growling and pushing Jackson against the wall.

"Okay! Okay! I'll do it!" Jackson whimpered, finally agreeing with them.

"Hey, don't worry. We'll still be there." Stiles spoke up as they watched Jackson talk with Allison and walk away.

"I'm still going." Scott replied with determination.

"Is that such a good idea? Do you even have a date?"

"Not yet."

"Do you have a suit?" This time Willow asked.

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