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"I'm not moving away Aunt River." Willow sighed as her aunt paced back and forth.

"You said the Alpha wants you."

"I can't leave everything behind and just go!" Willow raised her voice, getting frustrated by the minute. After telling her aunt, everything that had went down at school, she flipped and wanted to take her niece to safety. "I'm sorry. It's just, no matter where I go it's going to be a different alpha and all..." She said with a loud sigh. "It's not something I can run away from."

"I know honey, I know. It's been quiet till this Alpha showed up and I'm getting worried." Aunt River finally stopped walking in circles and stood in front of her niece.

"You also know that I have to tell Scott and Stiles right?" Willow said, thinking about a few ways to start her explanation and how she could keep Deaton out of it. "Don't worry, I'm not gonna tell them about them." Her aunt didn't have time to say anything as the front door opened.

"Stiles! I told you to knock"

"Why? I have a key." She heard her friends argue at the door.

"Stiles, Scott." Aunt River greeted them, not even questioning Stiles about the key. "I'll be outside." She kissed the top of Willow's head and walked out to the backyard.

"Let's go to my room." Willow got up and led them upstairs. Feeling immensely better after two Advils and a shower, Willow sat cross legged on her bed. "Before I start, I need you guys to wait till I finish. Don't interrupt me while I'm explaining and yes. I'm talking to you Stilinski." Willow looked at Stiles who gasped in shock and looked at Scott who sniggered at him. "You must understand I've kept this a secret for your safety. The less you know the better." Stiles looked like he wanted to say something but her glare stopped him. "Where shall I start? You know how I said my parents died in a car crash?" She asked as the two boys nodded with sad expressions. "Well... They sort of didn't. They, um... they were mauled, torn to pieces... by werewolves." She swallowed the lump in her throat, wiping under her eyes with shaky hands. "I- I was away with Aunt Rivers. We found their bodies." Stiles and Scott had tears in their eyes, their faces a mix of confusion and sadness. "My mom, she- she was like me." Willow took a deep breath and put her shaky hands under her legs. "There's not many left of us. I may be the only one on this continent." She took a moment to look at them. Scott and Stiles were trying to take in everything she was saying. "I come from a line of Oreads. The original ones are mountain nymphs. We can see the future but not like an oracle. It comes in form of nightmares, usually life threatening situations but I never know when it will happen. I still haven't figured out how to know the exact dates." Goosebumps covered her arms and legs as she took deep breaths. For a second Stiles looked excited that she could see the future but Willow let out a dry chuckle and shook her head. "It feels like more of a curse when you can't do anything about it until it's too late." She slowly looked up to Scott. "I saw you get bitten. You... you're like this because of me. I tried to stop it. I- I just couldn't-" Willow furiously wiped under her eyes. She felt ashamed under their gaze so she looked down. "I actually saw my parents death when I was nine, almost a year ago before it happened. I just didn't know it was the future... I just thought it was a regular nightmare. They're de- dead because of me." She choked out before she completely broke down. For a moment, she was shocked by their reactions but she let herself completely fall apart as Scott and Stiles rushed to her side wrapping their arms around her.

"I'm so sorry Wills." Stiles said after she calmed down a little. "I'm sorry you had to go through that."

"Why didn't you tell us earlier? We'd be there for you when you needed us." Scott said, pulling back from the hug.

"You don't hate me?" Willow asked with a puzzled look.

"Why would we? Because you have something you can't control?" Stiles replied as Scott nodded along, agreeing to what he was saying.

Willow ↠ Teen WolfWhere stories live. Discover now