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"Hey." Melissa McCall greeted the two teenagers.

She had called them after inspecting the body they found at the pool, wanting to show them what she found.

"Over here." She nodded for them to follow her. "And if you two tell anyone that I showed you this, I swear to god I will kill you painfully and slowly."

"Noted, don't anger mama McCall." Willow nodded with a small smile.

"Why do you wanna show us a body we've already seen?"

"Because you haven't seen everything." Melissa whispered, unlocking a door.

There were two bodies covered with sheets. Willow took a deep breath, readying herself as Melissa put on latex gloves before uncovering the guy they found at the pool. They had cleaned up all the blood so his wounds were easier to see.

"See this around his neck?" Melissa pointed at the bruise. "That's a ligature mark. That means that he was strangled with something, like cord, rope..."

"A garrote?" Willow suggested and the woman nodded.

"Ah, okay. Wait a second." Stiles spoke up with a frown. "What kind of werewolf strangles someone? You know that's not very werewolfy."

"Told you so." Willow hummed with a light slap on his shoulder.

"My thoughts exactly. And then there's this." Melissa grabbed the victim's head and turned it to the left.

"God, man, what is that? Is that brain matter?" Stiles shuddered as Willow grimaced. "Yeah, it's brain matter. Of course."

"See the indentation? He was hit in the back of the head, hard enough to kill him." Melissa explained.

"But then why cut his throat?" Willow asked looking at the wounds on his neck.

"That's what I was thinking, any one of these things could have killed him." The older woman replied with a sigh. "I mean, someone seriously wanted this poor kid dead."

"All right, so then this couldn't have been Boyd or Cora, you know?" Stiles piped up, crossing his arms. "They wouldn't have done all that. So maybe this is just one murder. I mean, maybe it's just a random coincidence." He shrugged with a hopeful look.

"Do you really believe in coincidences in this town?" Willow asked rubbing her temples.

"And I don't think it was just one." Melissa said making their eyes widen.

"How come?"

"Because that girl over there, she's got the exact same injuries." Melissa nodded towards the other body.

They followed Melissa to the other examination table and waited for her to change gloves. She lifted the sheet and Willow gasped, putting a hand on her mouth.

"The ME said this one wasn't just strangled. Whoever did it used a garrote..." Melissa started explaining. "Which is a stick that you put through the rope and you just kind of keep twisting."

"Sti..." Willow breathed out, quickly wrapping her hands around his arm.

"Stiles? Oh my god, did you know her?" Melissa asked as Stiles nodded, teary eyed. "I'm so sorry. I didn't even think."

"We were at her party." Willow stated, not taking her eyes off of Stiles' face.

"It was her birthday. Her name is Heather." His voice cracked as he wiped under his eyes.

"Okay, we need to call your father 'cause you're a witness."

Instead of replying, Stiles' eyes widened as he looked between the two victims, his mouth slightly agape.

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