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"I hate coming here at night." Willow stated as she slammed the car door shut. "Seriously, Stiles. Enough horrible things happened here at night."

"You're exaggerating." Stiles rolled his eyes, putting his arm around her shoulders.

"We were trapped here with a homicidal Alpha, you almost drowned because of the Kanima, multiple teachers were literally ritually sacrificed and-"

"Okay! Okay." Stiles cut her off. "We'll be quick."

"What about Scott?"

"I'll call him." Stiles handed her the flashlight and dialed Scott's number as they headed towards the locker rooms. "Get your ass down here now. We have a job to do." Willow sniggered at his tone. "We do this for Coach. Whatever, okay? You know he needs this. He lives for this stuff. He loves it." Willow helped Stiles open his locker as he took out the necessary tools he put there earlier. "12:15 actually. Which means it's after midnight and officially..." Willow's breath got caught in her throat when Stiles tested the drill. Involuntarily having flashbacks to her nightmare, Willow was glad Stiles was too busy convincing Scott to notice her flinching. "Mischief Night/Day and by perfectly awesome coincidence, it also happens to be Coach's birthday. So if you're not down here in five seconds, I will destroy you. Okay?"

"Come on, Scotty. It's not even that late." Willow raised her voice, making sure Scott could hear him.

"And I mean five, four, three, two..." Stiles stopped counting as a pair of glowing red eyes came out of the shadows making the couple scream and Stiles fall to the floor.

"One." Scott shot them a big smirk.

"I hate you." Stiles mumbled from the floor, his heart on his chest.

"I think I just lost ten years from my life." Willow blew a piece of hair away from her face. "Not funny Scott."

"You didn't really think I'd miss Mischief Night, right?"

"Kinda did." Willow shrugged, holding out her hand to Stiles.

"So what's the plan?" Scott clapped his hands, ready to pull a prank on Coach.

"We take the screws out of everything in his office..." Stiles began, holding the drill in his hands.

"And put the bolts and nuts in a box, wrapping it as a present." Willow finished as she made her way to Coach's office.

"He's gonna hate it." Scott grinned taking a screwdriver from Stiles' bag.

"It'll be worth it."

"They want to join the pack?" Willow asked with a frown as Stiles nodded. "Please tell me you said no."

"Of course." Scott nodded making Willow sigh in relief. "You guys don't trust them."

"Thank god." Willow's shoulders relaxed as Stiles opened the school doors, a roll of toilet paper flying to his face.

"All right, that's my face!" He exclaimed at particularly to no one. "Hey, dude, good decision buddy." Stiles patted Scott's chest. "Good Alpha decision."

"I hope so." He sighed leaning next to Stiles' locker.

"No, you know so."

"Here." Willow took out the carton of eggs from her bag that Stiles told her to bring.

"Quick, quick." Stiles whispered, pushing it into his locker before opening his bag. "What are you looking at?"

"Me?" Scott asked with raised eyebrows as Willow was keeping an eye out for any teachers.

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