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"How do you even sleep here let alone have sex with all these creepy faces staring at you?" Lydia whispered to Willow as Stiles was hanging up a picture of William Barrow, connecting it to the school with a red string.

"I've come to learn to ignore the board." Willow replied lying next to her on the bed.

"And what do the different colored strings mean?" Lydia asked resting her chin on her hands.

"Oh, just different stages of the investigation." Stiles replied still looking at the board to figure it all out. "So like green is solved, yellow is to be determined, blue's just pretty. Reminds me of Wills' eyes." Willow felt heat rush to her cheeks earning a pointed look from Lydia.

"What does red mean?"


"You only have red on the board." Lydia pointed out, looking at it with a frown.

"Yes, I'm aware." Stiles sounded annoyed. "Thank you."

"Did you get detention for pulling the alarm?"

"Yep." He nodded still not taking his eyes off the board as if clues would pop up from thin air. "Every day this week. It's okay though. We were onto something."

"Even though we couldn't find any proof of Barrow being there?" Lydia asked her voice coming out small and defeated.

"Hey, Lydia. You've been right every time something like this has happened okay?" Stiles turned around and crouched in front of them.

"He's right, Lyds." Willow put a comforting hand on Lydia's. "If you say he was there then he was there."

"No scent." Lydia slowly shook her head. "No bomb."

"Look Lyds. I may not be a Banshee but I know how you feel." Willow spoke up. "Our powers don't exactly come with instruction manuals and not always clear but you felt it, okay? It's gotta mean something."

"And look, if you wanted to, we'd go back to that school right now and search all night just to prove it." Stiles added, agreeing with Willow making Lydia give them a weak smile.

"Sti?" Willow asked seeing the look on his face as he held his marker to his nose.

"Get up." He quickly straightened up, grabbing his car keys. "Get up now. We're going to school."

"I'll say it again, I hate coming here at night." Willow shivered, wrapping her arms around herself as Stiles led them through the dark school.

"I'm with you on this." Lydia whispered, holding onto Willow's shoulder as neither girl had fond memories there at night.

"I mean, it should be illegal coming here at night." Willow whispered back and Lydia nodded in agreement. "Sti, can't you just explain it?" Stiles had frantically led them out of his house to the school, mumbling things to himself.

"What are we even looking for?" Lydia added when Stiles led them into the Chemistry lab. "That was supposed to be locked." She remarked after Stiles opened the chemical storage door, the same one Willow had found herself led to earlier.

"Yeah, I know." Stiles opened his flashlight and looked around. "Notice anything else?"

"It smells like chemicals." Lydia replied as Willow was frozen in place. "They wouldn't have been able to catch his scent."

"Yep." Stiles nodded, crouching down. "He was here, performing very minor surgery on himself." There was blood on the floor with misshapen staples. "You were right, Lydia."

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