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Willow Harper was currently humming the melody coming out of her earphones as she laid on her bed with her eyes closed, enjoying the cold weather nipping at her skin. They were going back to school tomorrow and she was excited because the games and training would be on again. Suddenly her earphones were ripped off startling her so her reflexes kicked in, sending a punch without looking first.

"Ow! What the hell Wills?" A voice exclaimed in pain.

"Stiles! You dumbass." Willow looked at her friend with annoyance. "You almost gave me a heart attack."

"Well I think you gave me a broken nose." He said still clutching his nose which made his voice come out in a higher pitch.

"Let me have a look." She got up and walked over to him. She lowered his hands down to inspect his nose. "Don't be a baby Stiles, it's not broken."

"Wha- I'm not being a baby. I wasn't expecting to be punched!" He flailed his arms around.

"I wasn't expecting you to come in my room." Willow crossed her arms and gave him a daring look. "How did you get in anyway? Don't tell me you have a key." The girl questioned her best friend.

"I do have a key." Stiles started but raised his arms in defense. "Just in case. But your aunt let me in after telling me there would be no 'funny business' under her roof." He continued realizing Willow was in her underwear and a baggy t-shirt.

Noticing his eyes wandering down her legs, Willow grabbed a pillow and slammed it to Stiles' face. "Stop being a dork, Stiles. You've seen me wearing a bikini before." She rolled her eyes grabbing a pair of leggings and pulled it on.

"I wasn't- I um body. Yes! Body, they found a body in the woods." Stiles blushed and remembered why he was there in the first place.

"Now take a deep breath and try to form a coherent sentence Sti." Willow smirked at her friend who shot her a glare.

"I overheard my dad talking about a body-"

"You mean eavesdropped." Willow cut him with a look.

"Not the point. Two joggers found a body in the woods." He continued with a huge smile as if he'd won an award.

"You're smiling because..?" Willow

"They only found half of it." Stiles' reply made Willow space out and have a flashback to the day she found her parents' bodies. She could still vividly remember their hollow eyes, mangled bodies and her childhood home covered in dry blood. "Willow? You okay?" Stiles waved his hand in her face, noticing how she wasn't listening to him.

"What? Oh, yeah. Totally fine." She put on a smile and shook her head. "What were you saying?" Stiles gave her a look of disbelief but continued nonetheless.

"I asked you if you wanted to come with me to get Scott and go look for the body." Stiles expectantly looked at her.

Normally Willow preferred to stay away from stuff that would traumatize her even further but having nightmares about the preserve with a beast, she decided it would be for the best if she accompanied her clueless best friends.

"Sure, let's go." Willow grabbed her phone and led Stiles out of the house. "Aunt River, we're going out." She called out before closing the door behind her.

She had an understanding with her aunt; she didn't need to ask for permission as long as she let her aunt know about her whereabouts and was careful. After her parents untimely death, River took her niece in and taught her everything she knew about their ancestry. In time, River taught her how to defend herself and continued the training her father started. After moving in with her aunt, Willow was quick to make friends with Stiles and Scott. They bonded over how Willow punched a boy who was bullying them and they had been inseparable ever since.

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