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"Ow." Willow slowly opened her eyes. Peter had knocked her out cold after dropping a bombshell on her. Quickly getting out of the car, she rested against the car to adjust to her surroundings. She knew something was going down tonight. She knew Scott would be in danger. She closed her eyes and took deep breaths like Deaton had taught her. Her instincts finally telling her which direction she should run to, her eyes snapped open and she took off. Her feet were hurting because she was barefoot but she pushed the pain away.

"Scott! Derek!" She saw the two werewolves standing close to the Hale house.

"Willow?!" Scott rushed towards her side seeing her state. She knew she looked horrible, even Derek looked concerned for a second.

"I'm fine. It's not my blood." She panted as Scott tried to check where she was hurt. "Peter, he's co-" Before Willow could finish her sentence, an arrow hit Derek straight in the chest making him fall on his knees.

"Derek!" Scott exclaimed as Willow turned around to see if she could pinpoint where it came from. Willow saw Allison and her aunt standing a little far away from them as Allison notched another arrow.

"Scott!" Willow pushed her friend aside as the arrow hit her. Willow let out a small scream, falling down as she clutched her side.

"Willow!" Scott rushed to her side as she writhed on the ground.

"Scott, cover your eyes!" Derek yelled but it was too late. A flash arrow hit the tree behind them, temporarily blinding Scott. With a loud groan, Derek ripped out the arrow from his chest and got to his feet. "Get up! Let's go." He yelled at Scott as he gathered Willow in his arms, the girl letting out a whimper from the pain. When they reached the house, Derek collapsed, still weak from being held captive. Willow hit the ground with a small cry as the arrow's tip moved inside her.

"Allison, I can explain." Scott saw the girl approaching them.

"Stop lying. For once stop lying."

"I was gonna tell you the truth at the formal. I was gonna tell you everything. Because everything that I said, everything that I did..." Scott was trying to explain as Willow pressed her hands around the arrow to keep it steady. She was thankful the arrow pierced her side as she was sure there were no organs there. 

"Was to protect me." Willow shared a pained look with Derek. They both wanted to be anywhere but there because of them.

"Yes." Scott replied, out of breath.

"I don't believe you."

"Thank god." Kate groaned as she walked towards them. "Now shoot him before I have to shoot myself."

"You- you said we were just gonna catch them." Allison stammered, fear in her eyes.

"We did that. Now we're gonna kill them." Kate took out her gun and shot Derek. "See? Not that hard. Oh, no... I know that look. That's the 'you're gonna have to do it yourself' look." Kate pushed Allison to the ground and stood in front of Scott.

"Kate, Kate, what are you doing?" Allison asked in fear as she approached Scott. On the other hand, Willow lifted her head so she could check on Derek. Seeing as he was still breathing she slumped on the ground again, feeling out of breath.

"I love those brown eyes." Kate said making Willow feel deeply disturbed.

"Kate! I know what you did." Willow turned her head and saw Chris Argent walking towards them. "Put the gun down."

"I did what I was told to do." Kate scoffed still holding the gun at Scott.

"No one asked you to murder innocent people. There were children in that house, ones who were human." Willow finally understood why she felt like she had heard Kate's voice before. She saw her in her nightmare when she was little. "Look what you're doing now! You're holding a gun at a 16 year old boy with no proof he spilled human blood. We go by the code. Nous chassons ceux qui nous chassent."

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