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Willow had tried calling Derek multiple times but her attempts at reaching him were futile. She angrily put her phone back in her pocket as she tried to come up with another plan. Going to Scott and Stiles didn't seem like the best option as she didn't want to break her promise. She knew promising Isaac didn't only include him being a werewolf. He was also talking about the murder.

Telling them about what killed Mr. Lahey also meant her telling about seeing the creature before his murder. It meant that she would have to confess to forgetting to mention a minor detail about seeing a creature in her nightmare. Which was like her only job in her head.

"Wills!" She heard Stiles call out to her and in panic, instead of rushing out of the school, Willow, for the first time in her school career, willingly and quickly walked in Harris' class.

Thankfully Harris had started the class after she got in so her friends couldn't confront her with what she had blurted out. She was absentmindedly tapping her desk with her pencil as the gear in her mind turned.

"Everyone, please turn to page 73." Harris said right before a paper ball hit the back of his head making couple student snigger and snapping Willow out of her thoughts.

"Who in the hell did that?" Harris turned around in anger.

Willow's eyes widened in confusion when Harris shot her a glare so she turned around and saw that Scott and Stiles were pointing at her.

"Wha- I didn't." Willow tried to defend herself.

"Three of you, principal's office. Now!"

Willow knew better than to argue with him so she quickly gathered her stuff and exited the classroom. Scott and Stiles were fast to catch up to her. She plopped down on one of the chairs, keeping her head down.

"Wills, you can tell us anything." Stiles broke the silence.

"I can't." Willow shook her head, still looking at the floor.

"You can trust us, we-" Scott joined in but Willow shook her head.

"I promised him. I can't." She sighed, running a hand over her face in frustration.

"Did he do it?" Stiles asked leaning towards her.

Willow only shook her head when Sheriff Stilinski came out of the office with a deputy beside him. Stiles quickly grabbed a magazine to cover his face when his father didn't walk away like he thought so.

"Ah, hell." Sheriff exclaimed shaking his head. "I'm sorry to do this." Stiles slowly lowered the magazine in confusion. "Willow, you need to come with me to the station."


"Dad!" Scott and Stiles exclaimed at the same time.

"We have an eyewitness saying you got into a fight with Mr. Lahey last night." Sheriff explained with a pained look. "I'm sorry, it's protocol."

Willow understood as she stood up, taking her bag with her. Stiles was quick to grab her wrist as he stood in front of them.

"Dad, what are you doing?" He asked incredulously.

"My job." The Sheriff replied as Willow pried Stiles' hand off of her.

"It's fine guys." Willow sighed and nodded at the Sheriff. "Do you need to cuff me?"

"Not if you cooperate." Sheriff gave her a sad smile and escorted her out of the school, thankfully not drawing too much attention.

Willow was grateful that Scott and Stiles were unable to follow her as she got in the back of the police cruiser, next to Isaac.

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