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Willow shivered as she felt cold wind nip at her skin. She tried to pull her covers on her when she tumbled down which snapped her back to reality. She realized she was at the preserve and thought she was having a nightmare at first. Pinching herself, she hoped she was awake and let her feet carry her forward. Stumbling couple of times on roots, she cursed as she didn't have any shoes on.

She snapped her head to her left when she heard ominous chanting but she couldn't tell what they were saying. Wrapping her arms around her to somewhat warm herself as she was only in an oversized shirt, she tried to do what Deaton had told her. Let nature talk to you, but she was sure this wasn't nature talking. Looking around, the only light source was the full moon still shining brightly in the night sky. Then something caught her eyes making her heart jump. At first she thought it was a pair of golden eyes, but they kept moving away from each other and then multiplied.

Willow felt herself smile when she realized she was surrounded by fireflies. She continued walking, somewhat letting them lead the way. She was slowly walking backwards as she saw the fireflies stay behind her and begin to move in synchronization. She furrowed her eyebrows, trying to make out the shape they were flying in. It looked like a number but she couldn't put her finger on it.

"Umph." Willow hit something and fell on her knees.

Turning around, she saw she had hit a giant tree stump. She put one hand on it for support and got back up. She felt like she had seen it before but couldn't remember when. Keeping her fingers on the stump, Willow walked around it, running her hand over the surprisingly smooth texture. By the time she made a full circle, the fireflies had disappeared.

She felt something coming from the tree stump as she kept her hand on it. It felt like it was slightly vibrating, making her fingertips tingle. Willow tried to listen, to figure out if nature was trying to speak to her when she felt like she was being pulled through a tube, out of water and gasped.

Willow had guessed it might have been a nightmare but frowned when she realized she wasn't in her bed. Instead she was still at the preserve. She rubbed her face with one hand and took a deep breath. This time she knew she was awake and got up, brushing off the wet leaves sticking to her body.

"Come on Willow." She whispered to herself. "You can find your way."

She looked up, noticing the full moon was still up, much like in her weird dream. Her legs trembled from the cold as she took a step forward. Willow once again wrapped her arms around her and carefully started to walk. After what felt like half an hour, she was nowhere near out of the preserve when she saw something shine from the corner of her eye.

Quickly turning around, she saw flames. Taken aback at first, Willow blinked couple of times to make sure she was indeed seeing someone alit, walking with what looked like a body in their arms. Keeping her distance, she decided to follow the mysterious figure. She noticed the figure was a guy but she couldn't see his face. She watched as he slowly leaned down and laid the body down before walking away. When she was sure he was gone, she took small steps toward the body and her hand went up to her mouth.

With wide eyes, Willow looked at the scattered bodies. Trying to walk away from them, she realized she was surrounded and the only thing clear of them was a tree stump. Willow cursed when she realized it was the same one from her dream. The minute her fingers touched it, she woke up again with a gasp.

Willow didn't have to open her eyes to realize she was still in the preserve. She could feel the damp dirt and small twigs on her back. She sat up and shivered, rubbing her hands together to get some warmth in them.

"Third time's a charm." She whispered to herself and shakily started to walk once more.

Willow almost cried when her bare feet touched asphalt as she finally had found the road back to town. She didn't know how long she was out in the preserve but she felt even her bones shaking from the cold with each step she took. Without a thought, she put one trembling hand out and rang the doorbell. A harsh cold breeze made her teeth chatter as she was quick to wrap her arms around her again. She felt like she couldn't stand any longer when the door opened.

Willow ↠ Teen WolfWhere stories live. Discover now