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"Doc, you're sure about the translation?" Willow asked as she held an icepack on her shoulder.

"Well, my Archaic Latin is a little rusty but..." Deaton replied looking at the screen. "I'm sure it roughly translates to that."

"Then you know what I must do." Willow mumbled running the translation through her head.

"You're forgetting about the big if." Deaton slightly frowned, looking at the teenager.

"So you're saying I shouldn't?" Willow asked trying to get the man give a direct answer.

"No, I'm saying you should think about it, not rush into it." Willow sighed at his reply. "However, I believe in you. As I did in your mother..." Deaton rarely mentioned her mother so Willow was shocked when he did.

"She did... she did it as well, didn't she?"

"She did. Took a while to convince her though." Deaton had a small smile on his lips, looking like he was reminiscing about old times.

"Convince who?" Willow asked hoping he'd open up to her but Deaton shook his head. "Oh, what I'd give to know what goes in your head, doc." She remarked making him chuckle.

"Nothing special."

"Do you think he'll do it?" Willow questioned after putting down the icepack.

"He'll want to know what you are." Deaton replied passing Willow her sling.

"Well, seeing as he's my only choice..." She muttered, knowing she had to tell him.

"You know if you do this Willow, they'll hear about it. They'll be coming here." Deaton warned him with a grim look.

"Doc, you and I both know that they're already on their way here." Willow hopped off the counter and walked towards the door. "Hopefully I'll see you later, doc." She gave him a smile, before opening the door.

"I have faith in you." He nodded at her, seeing her mother in her.

"Thanks, Deaton." Willow exhaled and got in her car. "Hey, Aunt River. Just wanted to say that I'll be staying with Isaac for a day or two. He's having bad PTSD and needs a friend. Letting you know so you don't get worried... Anyways, I'll see you soon." Willow left a message to her aunt, trying to sound as sincere as possible.

She couldn't find it in her heart to say something to Scott and Stiles so she turned off her phone and took off into the night. Not rushing to it, she slowly drove around town, trying to regulate her breathing. It was normal of her to be nervous. She didn't know if she'd make it but she knew she had to try. It was for the greater good. It was for her friends.

Knowing her mother did it as well, Willow somewhat felt okay. She thought she'd be making her parents proud. She finally parked her car and sat in it for couple of minutes, looking at the building.

You can do this.

She muttered to herself and let out a shaky breath. She grabbed the tablet from the passenger seat and skimmed over the translation Deaton provided her once more.

"It's going to work." She nodded and got out of her car.

For Willow, it felt like she was going in slow motion. She pushed the door open and went down the stairs, taking deep breaths with each step.

"Willow? What are you doing here?" Isaac asked in surprise, getting out of his train car.

Instead of a reply, Willow shook her head and walked past him.

"She came for me." Derek stepped out of the shadows, his eyes shining red.

"Why would I help you?" Derek asked after Willow reached him. "Why do you actually want it? After being so against me turning Isaac, Erica and Boyd?" He crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow.

Willow ↠ Teen Wolfحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن