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Willow laid on her back, throwing the sock ball up and down to pass the time. She had to wait until morning to see Stiles again which seemed like a really long time. She jolted up when she heard a cracking echo through the walls followed by a series of gasps and yelps.

"What was that?" Willow asked with wide eyes, getting this eerie feeling inside her.

"Someone died." The girl next to her said with a calm demeanor. "The walls..." She looked around with almost a smile on her lips. "They carry the echoes."

"Okay..." Willow nodded with a tight lipped smile. "That's not weird at all."

Willow sat back down trying to think anything else but the fact that she was there with a creepy girl next to her. She recalled the conversation she had with her aunt earlier, after the animal clinic.

"Willow, just think for a second!" Her aunt pleaded with her as Willow frantically put couple of sweatpants and t-shirts into a duffel bag. "I didn't tell you this so you can do the same thing."

"You just told me that the person I love, who by the way is really himself after god knows how long, is admitting himself into a mental asylum." Willow raised her voice as she zipped up the bag. "You can't expect me to sit by and do nothing."

"He's doing this for your safety." Aunt River put a hand on the door to stop her from getting out. "For everyone's safety."

"And what happens if he loses control in there?" Willow's voice broke as a tear rolled down her cheek. "What happens if the Nogitsune takes control and I never see him again? He's finally himself and I'm not letting him be all on his own there."

"It's just 72 hours." Aunt River tried to reason with her but Willow wasn't having any of it.

"A lot can happen in 72 hours." Willow grabbed the doorknob with a sigh. "Look, I'm going with or without your help."

"You can't actually admit yourself without your guardian." Aunt River's shoulders sagged in defeat.

"Thank you." Willow wrapped her arms around her aunt with a loud exhale.

The drive to Eichen House was silent besides the tapping of Willow's fingers on her knee. The duo looked at the tall gates with uneasy looks as Willow adjusted the bag on her shoulder.

"I don't like this." Aunt River spoke up with a nervous look. "I've heard bad things about this place."

"As you said auntie..." Willow put a hand on her aunt's shoulders, leading her up the stairs. "It's just 72 hours."

Willow snapped out of her thoughts when she heard her roommate mumble in her sleep. She hadn't even realized she was in her thoughts for that long for the girl to be already sleeping.

"You're wrong. I have to tell them." The girl spoke more clearly this time.

Willow sighed guessing she was having a nightmare. She actually sympathized with the girl knowing how it felt.

"They have to know the story. The whole story." The girl said trashing in the bed. "She needs to know." The girl turned around facing Willow in her sleep with her eyes wide open, looking directly at her. "The girl in my room, she needs to know."

"Oh, wow." Willow sat up with a jolt when she realized her roommate was wide awake. "You're really into staring, aren't you?"

Instead of a reply, the small slim girl got up and smiled, opening the door.

"Not much of a talker either are you, Meredith?" Willow got up and joined her at the door, ready to go out there and find Stiles.

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