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Willow looked out the window, watching the tress pass by as she zoned out. Not knowing why, she felt uneasy. Her stomach cramping up now and then.

"Willow." She snapped out of her thoughts and looked ahead.

"I'm sorry, what?" Willow shook her head and leaned towards the front seat.

"I asked if you knew this was a group date or not." Allison replied with a small smile.

"It's Lydia. Of course it's a group date." Willow replied making Lydia glare at her from the mirror.

Willow had spent a lot of time with Lydia while Allison was in France and she needed someone to tell her about the supernatural. Over the course of those four months, the two had actually become pretty close. Allison on the other hand asked for a chance to prove herself, that she was actually sorry for being manipulated again. After threatening the huntress, Willow agreed to try their friendship again as why now all three girls were in Lydia's car, going out. Willow didn't care about the date, not hearing from Isaac for almost a month. She didn't know where he was, what he was doing. Derek always said they were busy trying to find the rest of their pack.

"It's just one date. It's not like I'm asking you two to sleep with them." Lydia hummed as she stopped at the red light.

"Maybe if he's hot..." Willow trailed making Allison and Lydia laugh. "What? I have needs."

"She's right you know." Lydia gave Allison a pointed look.

Willow was about to say something when her eyes caught the sight of her two best friends. She bit her lip seeing the look on Scott's face as she waved at Stiles.

"Uh... Allison?" Willow tapped her shoulder.

"Wha- Oh my god!" Allison exclaimed meeting Scott's eyes. "Oh my god. Oh my god. I can't see him, not now. Lydia, go." She covered her face, trying to avoid an awkward encounter. "Just go!"

"But the light." Lydia argued, looking at the red light.

"Hey!" Stiles rolled down Scott's window and stuck his head out.

"Hi St-" Willow was greeting them when Lydia abruptly hit the gas pedal, making her tires screech. "At least you could've let me say hi."

"Not like you don't see Stiles every day." Lydia pointed out making heat rush to Willow's cheeks. "You all right?" She asked Allison who silently nodded.

"Lydia, stop." Allison said looking back at the baby blue jeep. "We need to go back and talk to them."

"Then why did you ask her to drive away in the first place?" Willow whined from her seat.

"They stopped too." Lydia said turning her head back.

"Why would they stop?"

"It's Stiles and Scott. Do you really wanna try applying logic to those two?" Lydia rolled her eyes.

"She's got a point you know." Willow added with a smirk which faded when she got a weird feeling. She saw something running towards them as Allison and Lydia were still looking back.

"Maybe we should go back."

"Watch out!" Willow shouted and jumped to the front seat, covering Lydia's body with hers as a deer crashed through the front window.

Willow felt pieces of glass in her right side as Allison and Lydia screamed in fear and shock. Taking a deep breath, Willow got back to her seat so she could get out of the car.

"Are you okay?" Scott rushed to their side.

"It came out of nowhere." Lydia exclaimed with wide eyes.

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