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"So, how's the fugitive life working out for you?" Willow asked with a cheeky grin.

"Kind of bummed 'cause I can't go out during the day." Isaac shrugged, turning around with a matching grin. "What are you doing here?"

"Came to check on you." Willow shrugged descending the stairs.

"Wait, did you really bring schoolwork?" He asked with wide eyes, seeing the stack of papers in her hands.

"I might have made copies of what you missed?" Willow sheepishly replied, the tips of her ears turning pink.

"Wow." Isaac breathed out. "You didn't have to."

"Oh, I know. I wanted to." She replied finally reaching him. "So which one is yours?" She asked looking at the empty cars.

Isaac pointed at the third one on the left and led her to it.

"Seems..." Willow searched for a word. "Cozy?"

"Eh, better than home." Isaac shrugged leaning on the door.

Willow mumbled a curse for being insensitive.

"Sorry." She winced.

"Don't be. This is better. I am better." He replied his eyes shining gold for a second.

"Showoff." Willow muttered, trying to hide her smile. "Well then." She faced the car again. "Aren't you going to give me a tour?"

"Please, come in." Isaac smirked back at Willow.

"I love what you've done with the place. Vintage."

"Oh my god!" Someone exclaimed walking towards them making Willow take a step back from Isaac. "You two are going to make me cut my ears off." Erica came into view and Willow inadvertently groaned.

"Please don't let us stop you. Be my guest." Willow shot a mock sweet smile at the new beta.

"You can't talk to me like that." Erica somewhat growled and grabbed Willow's arm.

"If I remember correctly, you were the one calling me a fake bitch during our last encounter." Willow replied. "Just because you were jealous." She knew she struck a nerve when Erica dug her claws in her arm.

"Guess it's your turn to be jealous now." Erica sickeningly smiled at Willow. "I'll get the guy this time." She threw a glance at Isaac.

"Oh, please." Willow scoffed at her. "Have you seen a mirror lately? Is that sideburns I see?" Erica growled at her face, drawing blood from her arm but Willow wouldn't give her the satisfaction of showing pain.

"Enough!" Isaac stepped up seeing the blood. "Erica, let her go." He put a threatening arm on Erica's shoulder. "Now." His eyes flashed.

Erica looked at them for a second and retracted her claws.

"Whatever." She mumbled, strutting away.

"Bitch." Willow huffed as she grabbed the hem of her shirt and wiped her arm.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry. I should've stepped in sooner or-" Isaac rambled with wide eyes.

"I'm glad you didn't. She wouldn't be able to hurt me if I didn't let her." Willow shrugged, stepping into his own abandoned car.

"How? She's a werewolf." Isaac grabbed the stack of papers scattered on the floor and followed her in.

"For how long? Couple of hours? I fought an Alpha." She stated knowing damn well her training would be enough to take down Erica.

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