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Willow had taken a day off from everything supernatural and spent it with her aunt as she insisted she hadn't properly seen Willow throughout the week. After doing a little shopping and cooking together, Willow decided to finish her homework and check up on her friends. Just as she was reaching for her phone, it started ringing, a picture of Stiles flashing on the screen.

"Sti, I was just about to call you." Willow answered with a small smile. "Sti?" She asked when she heard static crackling.

For almost a minute Willow didn't hear anything but static before she heard his shaky breathing.

"Wills." Stiles' voice came out as shaky as his breath.

"Sti, what's wrong?" She sat up on her bed, concern laced in her tone.

"I... I don't know what's happening." Stiles whispered freaking Willow out more.

"Where are you?" Willow got on her feet, putting on her shoes.

"I don't remember leaving the house." He shakily whispered. "Oh god, he's coming."

"Who's coming?" Willow grabbed her keys and rushed outside. "Sti!"

"Wills..." Stiles whispered. "He's here."

"Stiles!" Willow called out but the line went dead.

She dialed him again in a hurry.

"Hey, this is Stiles and you missed me. Leave a message..." She heard his voicemail and tried dialing him again.

"For fuck's sake." Willow angrily threw her phone to the passenger's seat and set off not caring about the speed limit.

Taking out a dagger from the glovebox, Willow left her keys in her car and rushed up the steps of the Stilinski house. Seeing as Stiles' jeep was parked up front, she hoped he was home. She slowly unlocked the front door with the key Stiles had left at her place and went up the stairs, not wanting to put Stiles' life in danger. She stopped in front of Stiles' room and took a deep breath, preparing herself to go in.

"Ah!" Stiles had got up to get a glass of water when he came nose to nose with a disheveled looking Willow holding a dagger which made him let out a small scream. "Shit, you scared me."

"Sti, oh my god." Willow wrapped her arms around him, careful not to stab him.

"Wills?" Stiles sounded confused.

"You didn't call me did you?" Willow looked around his room and saw no sign of anything.

"I didn't." He answered pulling back. "Why do you have a dagger?"

"What's happening?" Willow muttered to herself as she sat the dagger on his desk. "I was having a nightmare? Do I need to be asleep to have a nightmare? How did I even drive here? Wait, maybe this is a dream. I just can't-" Stiles grabbed her hands to stop her from pacing around in his room.

"Wills, look at me." He made her stand still. "This is real. You're awake."

"How do you know Sti? We're both straight up losing our minds." Willow shook her head, tears in her eyes.

"Feel this." He put her hand on his chest. "Just feel my heartbeat. Focus on it."

Willow didn't know how but it somehow seemed to calm her down as she closed her eyes and focused on the warmness under her palm along with his steady heartbeat.

"I'm awake." Willow nodded to herself, taking deep breaths. "You're safe." She opened her eyes and looked at Stiles.

"I'm here." He wrapped his arms around the shaken up girl.

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