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"Hello?" Willow answered her phone as she pulled up to the film store.

"Hey, Wills. Can you pick up a pizza on your way back?" Her aunt asked her over the phone.

"Sure, Aunt River."

"Thanks honey."

Willow hung up and got out of her jeep, seeing Lydia in the car parked next to her. They gave each other small smiles before Willow went inside. The minute she stepped in, Willow felt uneasy. The lights were flickering and the phone was ringing but no one seemed to answer it.

"Hello?" She heard a familiar voice call out.

"Jackson?" Willow asked looking around to find him.

"Willow?" Willow found him behind an isle.

"Are they on a break or something?" Willow asked trying to remember why it felt like she was having a déjà vu.

"Don't know. Seems like no one's here." Jackson replied as he kept walking forward. He suddenly stopped, making Willow bump into him. Willow was going to ask what was wrong when she followed his eye and saw what he was looking at. Willow gasped, seeing it as well.

"Jackson! What are you doing?" Willow asked with wide eyes as he started walking toward it.

"Why are you whispering?" He shot back as Willow caught up to him.

"I don't know." Willow felt her hands get sweaty. Jackson reached the body first and scrambled back with wide eyes. "Oh god. That is a dead person." Willow covered her mouth as she stared at the dead guy's eyes. As if it was a trigger, everything made sense to her and she turned around in a flash. "Jackson, get out!" She said making Jackson panic and hit the ladder, making all the lights flicker faster. "Come on!" She grabbed his arm to pull him out but Jackson seemed to be frozen in space. Willow was about to say something again before she heard low growling coming from the other side of the store. The lights flickered again, enabling them to see the glowing red eyes of the Alpha. Willow quickly yanked Jackson and hid behind a shelf. The teenagers were both breathing hard, sitting on the floor shoulder to shoulder. Jackson decided to take a peak around the corner when the Alpha leapt in their direction. Willow had to put a hand on her mouth to stop herself from yelping. Suddenly the Alpha knocked over a far off shelf making the rest fall like dominoes. Remembering it from her nightmare, Willow was fast enough to push Jackson out of the way.

"Willow!" Jackson called out from the floor as she groaned in pain. The shelf fell on her abdomen, making her stuck there.

"Jackson, go!" She panted, her hands on the shelf trying to lift it but it wouldn't budge. Disoriented from it, Jackson shook his head and got to his feet.

"Help me lift it up, come on." He ignored her and rushed to her side.

"Listen to me for once and leave!" Willow hissed at him, feeling out of breath. Before Jackson could protest, Willow saw the Alpha's glowing eyes as he rushed towards them. He threw Jackson off of his feet with a flick of his arm, making him pass out and stood on the shelf that was on Willow. Willow let out a shriek and the shelf dug into her skin. The Alpha leaned down, almost nose to nose with her. Willow felt tears running down her cheeks as she felt the Alpha's hot breath on her face and he snarled at her. The Alpha looked at her with intrigue as he reached for her face with its clawed hand making Willow flinch and turn her head.

"Willow?" Jackson groggily called out to her, getting his senses back. The Alpha huffed and got off the shelf, running towards Jackson. Not being able to see anything, Willow felt helpless once again. She let out the breath she was holding when she saw the Alpha run out and Jackson didn't scream like he did in her nightmare.

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