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"Sti?" Willow called out as the couple was lying on his bed, their legs entangled.

"Hmm?" Stiles replied absentmindedly drawing circles on her back.

"Just checking if you are awake." She said with a small sigh.

Truth be told, she didn't know what to say to get him to agree with her plan. She still believed they should let the Oni check her but apparently it sounded too dangerous to the rest of the pack.

"I'm awake."

"Do you ever wonder if we're gonna get a break?" She asked, keeping her eyes closed.

"What do you mean?"

"You know, my life was never normal but ever since Peter it's always been a shit storm." Willow sighed. "Normal is boring but still, it'd be fun not to be in life or death situations all the time."

"You remember last summer?" Stiles smiled to himself, recalling the trip he, Willow and Scott took to Los Angeles.

"How can I forget?" Willow chuckled, craning her head to look at him. "Oh my god, you guys! There's a darkness in the water. Willow, save me." She mimicked him making him scoff.

"I do not sound like that." He shook his head. "And that's not what happened."

"Oh really?" Willow lifted her head up, putting her weight on her elbow. "Because I remember how you jumped on me, making me step on some sharp rocks."

"Pfft." Stiles brushed it off. "It was nothing."

"My sole was cut and bleeding." Willow argued back, narrowing her eyes. "And you left me there yelling my blood was gonna attract sharks."

"But there was something in the water!"

"Sti, it was your shadow."

Willow felt a sharp pain on her forehead as she felt like she was shaking. With a groan, she blinked couple of times to gain her eyesight back. Thinking it was a migraine, she was about to get up to take a painkiller when she realized there was four pairs of eyes looking back at her.

"What the hell?!" Willow exclaimed sitting up. "What the-" She frowned when her head got caught in a tangle of red strings.

"Willow." Lydia called to her but Willow had started to freak out.

"What?" She saw there was a scissor stabbed into the mattress right next to her.

Willow jumped up in fear, immediately seeing black spots. Realizing she was dizzy, Lydia quickly grabbed Willow's arms and made her sit on Stiles' chair.

"Willow, sweetheart, look at me." Lydia bent down in front of her friend with a worried look. "What happened here?"

"I don't- I don't know. Stiles had fallen asleep and I- what?" Willow stammered seeing the blood on her fingers. "Wait, where's Stiles?"

"We don't know." Lydia pushed Willow down by her shoulders.

"What do you mean you don't know?" Willow jumped back up, stumbling for a second. "I'm going out there." She scrambled to put on the first pair of sweatpants she could find and put on her sneakers.

"Willow, hold on for a minute." Scott put out his hand to stop her. "You're still bleeding."

"I'll heal." She shrugged him off, wiping her forehead with the bottom of her shirt.

"You don't even know where to start." Isaac pointed out crossing his arms.

"Okay." Willow nodded looking at the group expectantly. "Are you guys gonna start talking any time today?"

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