Mtmte!Crew x Sparkeater!reader

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Can you please do a scenario where reader is a bot on the lost light, and they are thought to be normal, but then the djd or some other bots show up with ill intent and reader reveals they are actually a sparkeater after saving their friend?


If you had known. If you had known that everything had gone so bad, you might just have stayed in your habsuite. But no, you weren't so lucky to have known. Instead you were standing in the middle of the fight, exposed in more than one way.

The morning had started off normal. Swerve had come to you, asking if you could help him set up the bar for the day. You weren't as strong as Ten but you weren't a minibot either.

You usually helped Swerve manage the bar since he also had other things to do whenever Ratchet needed help. And then you were walking around, serving drinks to the 'bots that had asked for a few.

You had just given Cyclonus and Tailgate their drinks before moving over to Chromedome and Rewind. You didn't get to them though, since the emergency alarm went off. As it usually do.

Everyone was out of their seats, weapon ready, moving towards the area they had been told to go to. You stayed behind though, per orders of Rung and Megatron.

You began to clean up the mess that had formed after the comotion of everyone leaving at the same time. You sighed through your vents as the fighting could be heard throughout the halls.

What you weren't ready for was someone being thrown through the bar doors. You coiled back, hiding behind the bar table at first, pulling out your emergency blaster.

You heard gurgling which made you look at the four bots fighting. Tailgate, Swerve, Chromedome and Rewind was fighting no other than Kaon. One of your old supposed friends.

You hid once again, not ready to face the DJD again. You clenched your optics before looking back up. Swerve was laying face first into the ground, Tailgate was hoisted up in the air and Chromedome was shielding his conjux.

You clenched your blaster before lifting it. Your body moved on its own, throwing the fake blaster at Kaon. It hit him straight in the face, making him growl at you. But he didn't get to much more as you were on top of him in seconds.

You growled, more animalistic than anything else. You didn't get to see the shocked faces of the 'bots around you. You plunged your servo through Kaons chest pulling out his spark in an anticlimactic way.

You stood up, looking at the dead body. Just starring. Though your gaze shifted to the spark in your servo. A hungry look entered your optics. How long had it been since you had indulged in sparks?

Too long. Before the others could protest you swallowed it whole, shocking them once more. "Y/N?" You turned your head to Chromedome as he looked worried. You didn't answer, finally having the taste of spark.

Instead you took off, towards the fighting. You had taken a shortcut through the vents, hurrying. Hungry and angry, you had gotten to the fighting. Kaons Pet was biting at some of the 'bots around it.

They could take care of themselves, though when it plunged for Rung, you saw red, plunging for it. It's spark was easy to get as the creature was weaker than any cybertronian.

Everyone stopped fighting when they saw you eat the spark, not swallowing this time but biting into it. It made the worst sound ever known, screeching through everyone's audials.

You swallowed the other half though, before turning to Tarn and the rest of his team. "Run." Your voice was low and deadly, which made Tarn visibly shiver. He looked around, knowing that they wouldn't be able to take down a sparkeater.

Him and his team ran. They ran back to their ship and took off, scared. At least they seemed scared. Of you. It saddened you a bit but you could take it. Everyone turned from the fleeing Decepticons and over to you, scared as well.

They were ready to shoot. That saddened you even more. But you didn't attack, you just lifted your arms in the air, servos visible. "I won't hurt any of you. I promise." You looked Rodimus, dead in the optics.

"She's speaking the truth." Rung was hoping that he could talk them out of shooting you as though you were a target in the shooting range. Rodimus lowered his blaster, when Swerve and many others did.

They knew you well. They would see you everyday in the bar. You were the sweetest thing on the whole ship and you would never hurt anything innocent. You lowered your servos to your side before a smile landed on your lips.

"I think I should explain."

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