Helex x Human!reader

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Bit short

- The Peaceful tyranny was always so fucking cold. You had so many drawers just full of jackets and sweaters. You had a heater in your human sized room, but whenever you were outside, which you often were, it was useless.

- That was one of the reasons you had taken a liking to the giant oven, Helex. When you had first arrived, none of the members really liked you, just tolerated you. As Tarn had told that you would be a good bargaining chip.

- But after Helex found you on his shoulders, sleeping and soaking in his warmth, did he like you more and more. And you slowly became more of a companion than a bargaining chip.

- And the bot you mostly spent most time with now, was Helex. He didn't mind whenever you would be venting your problems to him, keeping him entertained.

- You had even gotten him into knitting, which he would use his small arms to do. He used oversized yarn, making blankets and bedding for you.

- And slowly, over some time, you realized you had developed feelings for him. You had kept it a secret for some time, as you weren't sure if he would even like you back. Yeah, he tolerated you, but you thought he might just do so, to please Tarn.

- But then Tarn found out, as he wasn't stupid, and could see your obvious attraction to one of his members. He also knew that Helex like you back, as he had a conversation, if it was even okay if the big guy got together with you.

- So, thanks to Tarn, you two got together.

- And most of your nights were now filled with cuddles, in your now shared habsuite. Movie nights were a must of course. Whenever you were with the DJD on the bridge, you would be on his shoulder, keeping warm.

- It was rare for you to even wear a jacket, as his warmth was more than enough. On especially cold planet, he would fill his oven belly with blankets and pillows, so you could sleep inside.

- Though sometimes you would have to share with Vos, which after a while wasn't too bad as he would mostly leave you alone.

- He refused, however, to take you on missions in the start, afraid something might happen to you. But after many nights alone on the Tyranny, Tarn said that it might have been smart to take you with them. Just to be in the background.

- When Nickel joined them, Helex and Tarn was quite adamant that she learned a bit of how to heal a human, just in case something would happen to you. Which she reluctantly agreed to do. And you two became friends as well.

- "My little flame" and "Warmth" was Helexs most used nicknames for you. He would always pet your hair or back, whenever you two were cuddling together.

"I love you." You spoke, tracing your fingers over his chest, his warmth soaking into your hands, pushing away the cold. "The warmth of my life." It was a little joke between the two of you.

"I love you too, my little flame." He replied to you, before you both returned to the film. Some would say, that being this sappy under a horror gore movie was kinda weird, but it was your favourite thing to with him, having your happy time, with your big, warm, mechanical teddy bear.

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